Wouldn't You Like To Be A Bloody Stool Too?
Try Bloody Stool, You'll Like It.
Made In Scotland From Bloody Stool.
He Who Thinks Cholicy Baby Drinks Cholicy Baby.
It's the Herpes You Can See.
Melts In Your Gonorrhea, Not In Your Hand.
The Good Gonorrhea Kids Go For.
Poppin' Fresh Genital Warts.
I am Stuck on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 'Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome's Stuck on Me.
Leave the Aborted Fetus to Us.
Loves the Imperforate Anus You Hate.
Dial Down the Stinky Pile Of Feces.
Have a Christ On A Stick and Smile.
Jesus Prevents That Sinking Feeling.
Schhh... You Know My Anus.
Tense, Nervous, Hairy Twat?
Reach Out and Touch Fishy Vaginal Secretions.
Cottage Cheese-Like Discharge. It's What's For Dinner.
The Bloody Bowel Movements Of A New Generation.
But I'd Rather Have a Bowl of Warm Urine.
Oh Hungry? Oh Shit A Brick.