Backtagging: Sure! My policy is honesty: if you lose interest, tell me. If I lose interest, I'll do the same. Until then, backtag forever.
Threadhopping: If I really want to keep a thread private, I'll mark it as such. If it isn't marked, it's fair game. Just make sure any other muns involved don't mind, either!
Fourthwalling: I'd prefer if you didn't, but if you have a really awesome idea or something, feel free to bring it up!
Offensive subjects: Anything and everything is seriously A-OK. I have no qualms.
Hugging this character: Sure! If she doesn't know you well, she'll probably be pretty weirded out, but if you're friends, she doesn't mind hugs. ♥
Kissing this character: Sure! Again, if you're not on, er... 'kissing terms,' this'll score pretty high on the bizzaro scale, and you may even incur violence from her. If you're close, though, you may be pleasantly surprised. ♥
Flirting with this character: Totally! Acquaintances and strangers may get a shy response at first, but if you're persistent and not sleazy, she may eventually flirt back. (If you're sleazy, she'll eventually get disgusted and ignore you.)
Fighting with this character: Absolutely. She's a fighter, and even without her magic or her weapon, she'll hold her own relatively well. Random attacks will catch her unawares, though. Verbal arguments will rarely erupt into fights on her end.
Injuring this character: Anything that will warrant more than a day of bedrest should be run by me. Most everything will probably be okay, though.
Killing this character: Not applicable!
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Just check with me first!
Warnings: None in particular; Quistis is a pretty pleasant girl. She's not likely to do anything way off-the-wall.
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