Mar 21, 2008 14:09

I'm working on some houserules for 4E characters. Feel free to critique and help if/when you can. So far, not bad compared to what we know.


All characters gain the following as they level up:
· +1 to d20 rolls per 2 levels
· 7 + Class HP + Constitution Score at level 1
· Class HP + Constitution Modifier at level 2 and every level thereafter
· Other Powers, Features, and Abilities as outlined below

Role: Defender
Power Source: Primal
Key Abilities: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom

Armor Training: Hide
Weapon Proficiencies: Swords, Axes, Clubs
Bonus to Defenses: +2 Fortitude
Bonus to Attacks: +1 melee

HP per level gained: 8 HP/level
Healing Surges: 6 + Constitution Modifier

Trained Skills: Nature plus three others
Available Skills: Pick three skills from the following list: Athletics, Endurance, Heal, Intimidate, Perception, Thievery
Skill Modifiers: +2 to Perception checks

Build Options: Bear, Boar, and Cat Totem Barbarian
Class Features: Bloodlust, Blood Rage, Primal Challenge, Rage, Tough as Nails

Barbarians are nature’s champions. The tribe and their lands come before anything else in a barbarian’s mind. As skilled hunters, warriors, and sometimes raiders, each barbarian trains with pride to be the greatest amongst his peers.

As a Barbarian, you might be rustic and uncouth. Others may consider you slower than average because you don’t always have the best grasp on society and city life. You’re at home in the grasslands, forests, and other natural environments.

In combat, you’ll generally rush ahead of your party to face down your foe. With brutal force, you cut your way through to more challenging opponents while leaving broken bodies in your wake.

Characteristics: Although you can function without it, rage is a key aspect of your combat prowess. Drop your mark quickly and move on so you can keep going.

Religion: Barbarians often worship the deity most closely tied to their clan or tribe. Regardless of alignment, this often equates to a nature god.

Races: Those who wish to defend their own by any means necessary make great barbarians including Orcs, Elves, and some Dragonborn.

Barbarians often focus on totems to supplement their beliefs while providing a useful benefit in some cases. Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom are the Barbarian’s most important ability scores.

Bear Totem Barbarian: You prefer to hit harder than even your kin are often comfortable with. Swinging your weapon unpredictably often garners you a telling blow. Strength is vital because the more damage you put out, the faster your opponent goes down. Constitution helps greatly if you leave yourself open to gain an advantage. Wisdom is a reasonable third ability score if you want to gain some abilities beyond hack and slash.

Suggested Feat: Weapon Focus (Human Feat: Toughness)
Suggested Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate, and Nature
Suggested At-Will Powers: Power Attack, Bestial Roar
Suggested Encounter Power: Tireless Rage
Suggested Daily Power: Take No Prisoners

Boar Totem Barbarian: The best offense is a good defense; or something like that. You have a unique approach to combat. If they’re hitting you, they’re not hitting your allies. Constitution is most important to help avoid a terrible fate. Strength helps to better dispose of your enemies. Wisdom is of equal importance if you want to fight better rather than harder.

Suggested Feat: Toughness (Human Feat: Human Perseverance)
Suggested Skills: Endurance, Intimidate, Nature, and Perception
Suggested At-Will Powers: Sweeping Strikes, Soak
Suggested Encounter Power: Whirlwind Attack
Suggested Daily Power: The Art of War

Cat Totem Barbarian: If you can gain combat advantage, you probably will. In doing so, you open up your foe to ally attacks. Wisdom is best put to use here to keep your mark guessing. Strength helps setup and execution of your daily power while Constitution provides additional cushion to the blows you take.

Suggested Feat: Expert Tactician (Human Feat: Skill Training (Insight))
Suggested Skills: Heal, Nature, Perception, Thievery
Suggested At-Will Powers: Decisive Strike, Disarm
Suggested Encounter Power: Tactical Advantage
Suggested Daily Power: Sundering Strike

All Barbarians share these class features.

Rage: Once during combat, you may enter a rage as a free action. While enraged, your attacks deal extra damage to marked opponents. As you advance in level, your extra damage increases. You must save against Rage at the beginning of each round. A successful save ends this effect. You take a -5 penalty to this save.

Level Rage Damage
1st - 10th +2d6
11th - 20th +3d6
21st - 30th +5d6

Primal Challenge: When you strike a foe in combat, that foe becomes marked and you can deal rage damage to him. Only one mark can be on an enemy at any time, and new marks supersede old.

Bloodlust: Against Bloodied targets, you deal an additional 3 damage with each attack. At 11th level, you deal an additional 6 damage. At 21st level, you deal an additional 9 damage.

Blood Rage: When you are bloodied in combat, you immediately gain all benefits of rage and require no saving throw to end the effect.

Tough as Nails: You gain 1 additional hit point each time you would gain an even level.

Your powers, called talents, are instinctual by nature. You draw upon them through a combination of innate ability, focused training, and strong ties to the land or your heritage. Your powers often benefit from Strength of Body or Will.

At-Will Powers

Bestial Roar:
Barbarian Attack 1
You scream with such ferocity that foes question their intent.
· At-Will Primal, Rage
· Minor Action
· Requirement: You must be raging and trained in Endurance
· Target: One Creature within Con modifier squares
· Attack: Endurance vs. Will
· Hit: Target is marked by you.

Decisive Blow:
Barbarian Attack 1
Your successful attack allows your ally an opening.
· At-Will Primal, Weapon
· Standard Action
· Requirement: You must be flanking with at least one ally
· Target: One Creature you flank
· Attack: Wis vs. Will
· Hit: 1[W] + Str and your flanking ally can make an immediate basic attack.

Disarming Blow:
Barbarian Attack 1
You strike the opponent’s hand, causing him to drop his weapon out of reflex
· At-Will Primal, Weapon
· Standard Action
· Target: One Creature
· Attack: Str vs. Reflex or Str vs. Fortitude
· Hit: 1[W] + Str and the target drops his held item.
· Special: If the item is held in 2 hands, the target gets a +2 to his Fortitude

Power Attack:
Barbarian Attack 1
Armor doesn’t even cushion your bone crushing swings
· At-Will Primal, Weapon
· Standard Action
· Target: One Creature
· Attack: Str vs. Reflex
· Hit: 2[W] + Str. Increase damage to 3[W] + Str at 21st level.
· Special: If you are raging, increase your rage damage by one die category.

Barbarian Utility 1
You let blows rain in; each bolstering your resolve and kindling the fire within.
· At-Will Primal
· Minor Action
· Effect: For the duration of the round, foes strike your Fortitude instead of your AC
· Boar Totem: You gain a +1 to your Fortitude Defense
Sweeping Blows:
Barbarian Attack 1
You can lay down several foes at once.
At-will Primal, weapon
Standard Action
Target: Up to 3 adjacent enemies within reach
Attack: Str vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Str

Encounter Powers

Tactical Advantage
Barbarian Utility 1
You leave yourself open long enough to help your party.
Encounter Primal, Reliable
Move Action
Target: One Creature
Attack: Wis vs. Will
Hit: You grant your target combat advantage. Your target grants your allies Combat Advantage. These effects last until the beginning of your next round.
Special: If you have Expert Tactician, your target grants you Combat Advantage also.

Tireless Rage
Barbarian Utility 1
Your fury burns unimpeded by the need for rest
Encounter Primal
Free Action
Effect: If you would succeed to stop your rage, you fail instead.

Barbarian Attack 1
You go into a flurry, striking everything you can reach.
Encounter Primal, Weapon
Standard Action
Target: Burst; All within reach
Attack: Str vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 [W] + Str and target is prone
Miss: Target is prone

Daily Powers

The Art of War
Barbarian Utility 1
Position is the key to any battle.
Per Day Primal
Immediate Action (Interrupt)
Effect: You may shift a number of squares up to your move

Sundering Strike
Barbarian Attack 1
You could find the weak point in a block of stone.
Per Day Primal, Weapon
Standard Action
Requirement: Target must be visibly wearing armor.
Target: One Creature
Attack: Str vs. AC
Hit: The target takes a penalty to AC equal to your Str for the rest of the encounter.
Special: If you’re raging, double the penalty to AC.

Take No Prisoners
Barbarian Attack 1
Wanted Dead or Alive is a foreign concept to you.
Per Day Primal, Weapon
Move Action
Target: One Creature
Effect: Your next basic attack against the target is a critical attack.
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