From Twitter 03-25-2011

Mar 26, 2011 03:02

  • 16:07:11: RT @BoobsRadley: I want to open up a French new-wave massage parlor where we offer clients an abrupt, ambiguous ending.
  • 22:39:02: Seriously, what percentage of THE STREET FIGHTER is Sonny Chiba doing his Bruce Lee impression?
  • 22:49:17: I was under the impression this movie was supposed to be non-awful. Increasing alcohol intake rate.
  • 23:04:55: @ chemotaxis STREET FIGHTER. I WAS WRONG. IT'S AWESOME.
  • 23:06:49: @ chemotaxis Also, we're doing SUCKER PUNCH tomorrow at 2 at Northgate then headed to Cyril's. Interested?
  • 23:10:10: @ chemotaxis A: Haven't seen JCVD yet, altho at some point it will make it into movie night; B: The Sonny Chiba one (no relation to the VG).
  • 23:12:28: @ chemotaxis Chase, Tommy & Christy are getting together at Five Guys for lunch at 12:30. We may also meet them there...
  • 23:13:20: @ chemotaxis ...but will be there at 2 for SUCKER PUNCH regardless.
  • 23:31:15: This movie sucks again. MORE X-RAY PUNCHES REQUIRED.
  • 23:54:47: I tend to assume that all movies are Andy Kaufman-esque comedies. Some of them are also funny.

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