And now for Crookshanks/Wormtail, a pairing from
thistle_chaser. I have never limericked before. I'm not sure what it says about me that I find this pairing much more difficult than Scamander/Squid.
There once was an old tom called Crookshanks.
With the bushiest tail, he was no Manx.
And though preferring to dine
On small birds most divine,
He nightly pursued supple rat's flanks.
But how the rat's whiskers did quiver
And under Ron's sheets he did shiver!
Crookshanks could not conceive
Of why the rat did receive
Him so coldly, but he was a forgiver.
Alas, our feline hero soon found
His dear rodent was surely unsound.
So plotting 'gainst that worm,
Crookshanks met on the berm
A beautiful, black, bounding hound.
ETA: Verses two and three. The, er, pacing/meter/whatever is a bit wonky when I read it sometimes, but other times not. My past experiences with poetry are all of the free-verse, no rhyming sort, so this is very weird for me.