Signups are now closed.
Important dates for this round:
Signups close on Tuesday, April 1, no earlier than 7PM EDT.
Assignments go out by Wednesday, April 2.
Your fic is due on Sunday, April 13.
Because there's such a wide variety of characters to choose from, signups will look a little bit different this round. (Credit goes to
femslash_minis for the format.)
You'll be giving two requests in your signup. This is to make matching you easier, and to give the person writing for you a choice; you're still only going to be writing (and receiving) one story.
Request #1 must involve at least one character from the minor characters listing below. You can ask for him to be paired with another character on the list, a major character, or a minor character not on the list.
Examples of acceptable types of pairings for Request #1:
(a) Requested pairing: Riley/Connor [both characters on minor character list]
(b) Requested pairing: Riley/Xander [character from list/major character]
(c) Requested pairing: Riley/Parker [character from list/minor character not on list]
Request #2 works similarly, except that you can request fic about a minor character not on the list, if you want--be as obscure as you like, though if you get too obscure, you may want to indicate what episode the character is in. (Both your requests can be for characters on the minor-character list, if you prefer, but you do need to make two requests, and they do need to be different pairings.)
So all of the above options would be acceptable, as well as something like:
(d) Requested pairing: Parker/Owen [both characters are minor characters not on the list]
(e) Requested pairing: Parker/Xander [minor character not on the list/major character]
If you're confused, please, just ask. We're trying to balance out giving the requester what s/he wants with getting requests we can find writers for (and not torturing the writers), and it gets messy. :)
Signup form:
Request #1:
Requested pairing: [at least one character must be on the minor character list below]
Up to three things you want in your story:
Up to two things you *don't* want:
Maximum rating you prefer:
(For BtVS/AtS requests only) Is comics canon okay in your story?
Request #2:
Requested pairing: [at least one character must be a minor character, but does not have to be on the list below]
Up to three things you want in your story:
Up to two things you *don't* want:
Maximum rating you prefer:
(For BtVS/AtS requests only) Is comics canon okay in your story?
Up to five minor male characters you would prefer to write about: [Please include at least one character from the list below.]
Other minor male characters you could write:
Main male characters you would prefer to write about:
Three male characters you *can't* write (major OR minor characters): (You may include "Firefly men" in *addition to* your three men. If you can only write Firefly men, please see the note below.)
Anything else you can't write:
Please remember to only request fic involving canonical male characters from BtVS, AtS, and Firefly/Serenity.
We will try to give you a request that uses your preferred characters, if possible, but that will depend on the other signups. (We will not give you a request that was on your "can't write" list. If we absolutely have to, we'll give you an assignment in which *one* of the two requests may contain something you said you couldn't write, but that's a last resort.)
Writers should feel free to write either request.
We'll assume that if you don't list the Firefly men as "men you can't write," you can write them. Because there are so many male characters to choose from in this round, "Firefly men" will *not* count as one of your three "men you can't write"; "Angel, Lorne, Connor, and Firefly men" would be a valid answer to that question.
If you can ONLY write Firefly men, let us know that as well. If that's the case, please *only* list at most *two* Firefly men (no more than *one* of the guys on the "major characters" list below, please), plus "Buffyverse men" on your "can't write" list, because there's such a limited amount of canon to draw from with Firefly/Serenity.
Minor Characters list
What we've tried to do here is pick out some of the most significant or memorable minor characters from the universes in question. This is by no means meant to be a complete list; it is meant to be a list of characters that we'd expect most people signing up for the ficathon to be familiar with, and generally characters who had some canon interaction with at least one of the main male characters. *g*
the Master
Mayor Wilkins
Mr. Trick
Robin Wood
Principal Flutie
Principal Snyder
Adelai Niska
Atherton Wing
Jubal Early
Mr Universe
the Operative
Tracey Smith
Lt. Womack
Major Characters list
We've included this list to help you with making your second request; any guy not on the list below is considered a minor character. (Our definition of "minor character" is "did not get a round in this ficathon.")
Doyle [this "season" only]
On Sunday, April 13, please post your fic (or a link to it) in this community, and comment to the masterlist (please include title and pairing) to make sure we don't miss anything.
Remember, your fic should be at least 500 words long and should be beta-read.