ETA, 5:30 AM Tuesday, March 23: Signups are now closed. Participants, since we only had three signups, the future of the round depends on whether or not the matchups will work. If the round is cancelled, we'll email you to let you know; otherwise, assignments will go out as scheduled
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Comments 10
Your email: alixtii [punctuation] gmail [preposition] com
Pairing you want:: Simon Tam/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Up to three things you want in your fic: Checking the encyclopedia, kissing
Up to two things you don'twant: Fluff, character bashing
Preferred maximum rating: Any.
One to three Firefly men you would prefer to write: Simon Tam, Malcolm Reynolds.
Are you willing/able to write crossovers with the Buffyverse? Yes.
If so, one to three Buffyverse guys you would prefer to write: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Rupert Giles, Ethan Rayne.
Other men (Firefly or Buffyverse) you could write: Shepherd Book, Spike, The Master, Atherton Wing, Richard Wilkins, Principal Snyder, Rack.
Up to three men you can't/won't write with Xander: Xander, Angel, Riley
Anything else you can't/won't write?: Fluff.
Your name/pseud: Dr Squidlove
Your email:
Pairing you want:: Jayne/Giles. Heh, heh, heh.
Up to three things you want in your fic:
1. an argument (friendly or grumpy) about books and/or reading, 2. Jayne being coarse (well, duh...), 3. kissing.
Up to two things you don'twant: Buffy comics-canon.
Preferred maximum rating: I have no maximum. :-)
One to three Firefly men you would prefer to write: Jayne, Simon. I could probably do Mal.
Are you willing/able to write crossovers with the Buffyverse? Very happy to.
If so, one to three Buffyverse guys you would prefer to write: Giles, Xander.
Other men (Firefly or Buffyverse) you could write: I could try Wash, if you needed him. Riley.
Up to three men you can't/won't write with Xander: With Xander? Hee. Um, with anyone, I don't write Spike. And I couldn't do a fair Book.
Anything else you can't/won't write?: Buffy comics, underage.
Any other comments or questions: Ummmm, nope.
Thank you for signing up!
Your email: lunabee34 @
Pairing you want:: Mal/Anybody who's eligible (is that allowed?)
Up to three things you want in your fic: Mal's love for Serenity, scars
Up to two things you don'twant: anything goes
Preferred maximum rating: anything goes
One to three Firefly men you would prefer to write: Simon, Mal, Book
Are you willing/able to write crossovers with the Buffyverse? yes
If so, one to three Buffyverse guys you would prefer to write: Xander, Riley, Spike
Other men (Firefly or Buffyverse) you could write: Jayne
Up to three men you can't/won't write:ANSWER HERE
Anything else you can't/won't write?: hardcore BDSM, comic books canon
Any other comments or questions:ANSWER HERE
Are you sure about your answer to "up to three men you can't/won't write"? (We're okay with it if you are, but in case it was just an oversight, I wanted to point out that this means you *might* get called upon to write just about any pairing ever dreamed of.)
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