i don't have an icon to accurately reflect the content of this post, woe.

Jan 16, 2008 01:10

All right, here's the thing. I'm sure I don't need to tell y'all that my heart belongs to Jon/Spencer and Ryan/Brendon, much in the same way that I can never say no to chocolate ice cream if it is one of several options being offered. HOWEVER. Sometimes I'm just really in the mood for vanilla, you know, because it's totally different and you can cover it in chocolate sauce without feeling too guilty about it, and also it goes with raspberries really well. Anyway, my point is, sometimes a girl just really, REALLY wants some Brendon/Jon.

Brendon is a serious interlectual. Jon likes stripey scarves.

Brendon wears Jon's hoodie, which is about three sizes too big for him, AND I BET HE SNIFFS IT, TOO, BECAUSE IT SMELLS LIKE CHRISTMAS JON WALKER. YOU WILL NOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.

A List Of Reasons Why Brendon Urie And Jon Walker Are Basically Amazing Together:

They're dorks!

They're cuddly!

They're bestest buddies!

They're adorable!

They both like hoodies!

Jon, it's not nice to tease people with food.

However, we forgive you, because we know Brendon steals yours all the time.

I can't even LOOK at this picture without breaking into a matching, demented grin.

Ugh, their little HEADS, okay, with their little matching HAIRCUTS.

Uh, hey there, Brendon. You, um... like what you see?

That's okay, Jon Walker does, too.

So many squishy hearts, I can't even.

They are completely holding hands. If you squint. Shut up.

You cannot even tell me Brendon didn't spend most of their time in that booth draped all over Jon's back. YOU CANNOT.


I mean.

Seriously, you guys. You guys. Seriously.

Brendon does not approve of people trying to take Jon Walker back. Because they love him. To death. Oh, boys.

Who needs a date when they have a Jon Walker.

I mean... yeah.

Look, just, I'm running out of commentary, I'm flailing too hard inside my brain.

More of this pairing, please.


In conclusion: please write Brendon/Jon for airgiodslv and I to squee over! *beams*
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