"i love you darlin' till the day that i die"

Dec 28, 2004 23:59

okay, so.. i took this from someone, and i honestly forgot who.. so, if you're reading this, and you know i took it from you.. thank you for providing me with something to do while i.. be.. bored, lol..

i'm addicted...

-- Name: Samantha
-- Birthdate: 16 March 1989
-- Birthplace: Amherst
-- Eye Color: Green
-- Hair Color: Blonde
-- Height: like 5'5
-- Righty or Lefty: Lefty babyyy
-- Zodiac Sign: Pisces

-- Your weakness: Spinach.. aaahahaha, just playin'... umm.. not sure, thanks.
-- Your fears: Whales, death, andd.. clowns
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Walk around the streets of Boston, MA, decked out in my Yankees clothing :)

-- Your most overused phrases: riiiight
-- Your thoughts first waking up:  (:
-- Your best physical feature: my eyess
-- Your bedtime: i dunno man.. been havin' those late nights lately.... the latest was like.. 1:30 tho, so.. before then!

-- Pepsi or Coke: coke
-- McDonalds or Burger King: mickey d's bitch.
-- Single or group dates: ahhh, depends!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla ice-cream, chocolate everything else, lol
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccinooooo

-- Smoke: nahhhh
-- Cuss: damn straight negroid.
-- Sing: La La Laaaaa - yeah.. unfortunetly. but i'll stop, cause jimmy yelled at me for it on the phone :(
-- Take a shower everyday: ew, yes..
-- Have a crush(es): yurrrr
-- Do you think you've been in love: go to hell. :)
-- Excited to go to college or university?: nah man
-- Like highschool?: sure doooo
-- Want to get married: yes'm
-- Believe in yourself: um, no, seeing as how i dont really exisit...wooooooo, freakkyyy thougghhttt.. iiimmm nooottt reeealllyyy hhheerrreeeee!
-- Get motion sickness: just on boats.
-- Think you're attractive: ew, definitely not.
-- Get along with your parents: my mom and i are like the fricken gilmore girls, lol
-- Like thunderstorms: sure do baby
-- Play an instrument? flute!! flute!! flute!! give it up for the flute!!

In the past month, have you...
-- Drank alcohol: psshhhh
-- Smoked: that'd be a negative.
-- Made out: oh god!
-- Gone on a date: no
-- Gone to the mall: i have.
-- Been on stage: indeedy
-- Been dumped: no.
-- Gone skating: TAP DANCING ON ICEEEEEEEEE <3 ah, i love it.
-- Made homemade cookies: I JUST DID TONIGHT!! weird..
-- Gone skinny dipping: haha, and freeze my ta-ta's off? i think not!
-- Dyed your hair: naaah
-- Stolen anything: just your heart ;) oooooh, what nowwww

Have You Ever...
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: hahaha, dont ask alynn, hannah, michelle or anyone at hannah's party about that.
-- Been caught doing something: OoH --- noope.
-- Been called a tease: haha, fuck yeeeah babyyyy
-- Gotten beaten up: no :) skin check?
-- Changed who you were to fit in: naw, im not down with that.

-- Age you hope to be married: at most, like.. 27.. then the sex gets to be no fun.. booo boring sex!
-- Numbers and Names of Children: um.. 4 i guess - riley, harper, sebastian, rupert!
-- How do you want to die: i dont :(
-- Where you want to go to college/university?: oxxxfffoooorrrdddd biiiaaa
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: sports agent or an interior decorator!
-- What country would you most like to visit: england, but of course!

In a guy...
-- Best eye color? as long as it's sexy.. brown .. green.. blue.. there.
-- Best hair color? blonde or brown.. usually brown, not really into the blondies anymore
-- Short or long hair: med'ummm
-- Height: umm.. it doesnt really matter i guess..
-- Best weight: ugh.. how shallow can a nickka get?
-- Best articles of clothing: oh, um.. the boxers.. HAHAHA, playyiinnn... i dont know, i dont fricken careee....
-- Best date location: i dont know.. be creative
-- Best kiss location: answer this question for me.

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 95956685, haha, ew, im playing, calm down.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 1... 2... 3... 3. 3 people.
-- Number of piercings: 4.. 3 in my left, one in my right, lol.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 1.. 2..3.. 3! three is DEFINITELY not a crowd fool.

-do you bite your nails: ah no.
-can you roll your tongue: "grab the mic and flip my tongue like a dyke".. i dont know where dr. dre plays into this question.. but i'm gonna hafta go with... yes i can.
-can you blow smoke rings: no, im not THAT pimp :)
-can you blow spit bubbles: word.
-can you cross your eyes: yeah, but it hurts sorda
-do you make your bed daily: i used to man... i'm too rushed in the morning nowadays
-what's sexiest on a guy: c'mon.. there cant just be one thing, i mean, seriously think about it. think about the sexiest guy you know.. got a visual? its like, the way his hair flows, the look in his eyes, the facial expression.. the smell... oooh baby.

-how often do you brush your teeth: 2-3 times a day
-do you shower/bathe: uhhh, yes.
-how long do these showers last: anywhere from 11 to 16 minutes.
-hair drying method: depends on if im in a hurry. usually air dry
-what color is your bedroom: "inside a room, she paints me blue"... uh, well.. my room's blue anyway, lol
-do you use an alarm clock: i holler at that.
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: easy : harry james potter, draco malfoy, derek jeter, daniel radcliffe, thomas andrew felton <3333
-what kind of bed do you like: mine.. one you can bang bang bang all night in. haha.. i like double ones actually
-do you sleepwalk: naww
-do you talk in your sleep: no.. well, how the hell would i know?! ANNA on the other hand......
-do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: the only thing i will EVER fall asleep to is harry.

had sex: ahem.
watched bambi: omg.. prolly when i was like.. 4, lol. i have it too
cried: couple days ago.
talked on the phone: like an hour ago w/ jimmy
read a book: haha.. prolly "the odyssey" .. that moth-er fuck-er.

is music important to you: most important.
what instruments do you play: did we not already establish that i play the flute?
what do you think of Eminem: he's off the hizznet for shizzle mah dizzle wizzle.
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA- DAVE MATTHEWS BAAAANNNNDDDDDDDD <3 MY LIFE!

pop music: yes
punk music: yes
rap music: yes
hip-hop/RB: eh, yes.
country: maybe.
jazz: i like it when ---s playin' it.. hahahaha, jay kay. lighten up.
classical: it's so zen... sets the mood.. for... thinking.
hardcore: eh, no.
indie rock: hmm, maybe.
emo: <-- do you know what the word "love" means?

Could you live without the computer? eh, i have.
What's your favorite fruit? peaches
What hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional by faaaaaaaarrrrrrr

Of times you have had your heart broken? true heartbreak? um.. 2, maybe 3
Of hearts you have broken? i doubt any, lol
Of girls kissed? .. right.
Of boys kissed? are you imposing im some sort of SA-LUT? well, newcast team at 11:00, ("do you know where your children are?").. im DEFINITELY not.
of drugs taken illegally? 95954549549, aw, weasel.. it's almost like your phone #! haha
Of tight friends? it's so hard to tell these days man..
Of scars on my body? four.

I know: where you sleep at night.
I want: a kangroo and name him jumpy. and we could jump around the house all day long and never get bored, and laugh and eat cantelope.
I wish: I had a plum named Pedro.
I hate: the KKK and Hitler.. not cool man.
I miss: Bobby Neuman!
I fear: Whales!!!
I often: breathe
I hear: "I said hold back, what for? I'll only ask you once more"... no, no I shall not reveal the name of the band :)
I like: oh, I think you pretty much know.
I ache: eyes.
I care: about care bears!
I always: am.. sam groeger.
I dance: ahaha.. anna.. you remember for oz try-outs.. that kid? L M A O .. oh man <3333
I cry: eh, i dont really anymore
I write: in my diary! I <3 Stella
I confuse: you? i dont know.. you tell me!
I can usually be found: um..
I swear: "by the moon and the stars in the skyyy..."

-ARE YOU A-...
Wuss: No man.. that's not cool.
Druggie: if by druggie you mean hippie, well.. WRONG LIVE JOURNAL.. we're gonna need to take ya over to --> s1ightlysumblime   's lj :)
Gang member: gang bang, yes.. member of a gang bang.. only on fridays
Daydreamer: "cause i'm dreeeeeeeeeeamin', of you to-" DAY! hahahaha
Alcoholic: no, uh, that'd be my good ol' buddy, lol
Freak: not JUST a freak... "shes a super freak, super freak, she's super freakyyy"
Brat: Mwahahaha (evil laugh)
Sarcastic: Nooo, not at all. I dont even know how to identify a "sarcasimistic" person!
Goody-goody: You know how I do...
Angel: HA!
Devil:  AH!
Friend: yeeah man
Shy: when ya first meet me..
Adventurous: no, cause i missed adventure freshman year, so i think that fucked me over for life... hahahahahahaha
Intelligent: like a light bulb
Good listener: that's what the aderall is for fools.. god damn.. ya morons :)

Your best feature [personality]: my disgustingly good taste in music (i realize that's not "personality".. not i got nothin'.. haha)
Most annoying thing you do: pester..?
Biggest mistake you've made thus far: on a serious note here... ksk :'( i miss you so much..
Describe your personality in one word: watermelon.
A smell that makes you smile: umm.. kilo mo'fuh'aa
A city you'd like to visit: SURREY! (that's not in Canada! NO! it's not! ITS IN ENGLAND!)
A drink you order most often: somthing that goes down easyyyy.. sllluuurrrppp!
The music you prefer while alone: Why would it matter if I was alone or not?
A TV show you watch regularly: uhhmm.... Desperate Housewives... Life As We Know It (Jonnnaatthhhaaaannnn, i want your balllssss <3333 )

-If you were __ , what would you be?
[a flower] um, a.. lilac <3 my faaav :-D
[a fruit] I already am..
[a vegetable] well.. not a tomato.. hahahahahhaha, get it? CAUSE ITS A FRUIT!
[a color] green
[a smell] gooooooooood question.. and i'm sure you'd really care if i DIDNT answer this?

Short Answer
[are you left handed or right handed?] lefty.. well, sorda.. i guess you could say im a "switch hitter" hey, hey.. HEY YOU! STOP THINKING PERVERTED THOUGHTS!
[are you smart?] I like to THINK so.
[what's your middle name?] Ryan.. as in.... Samantha Ryan.
[how many personalities do you have?] as many people are in my head.
[how many piercings do you have?] 4.. damnit. dammit? ahhahaha, okay, how many people did i ask tonight which one it is??? ah, ah.. survey says: damNit!!
[tattoos?] nope
[do you like v-8?] yeahhh buddy
[what was your first word?] daddy i think.. ironic? you tell me.
[are you superstitious?] nahhh
[do you read your horoscope?] when im terribly bored
[do you believe in that stuff?] eh, nah
[can you do a cartwheel?] yes.
[do you have bangs?] hm, no.
[do you have contact lenses?] i do not.
[do you snore?] i object.
[do you drool in your sleep?] IM NO SPITTER
[do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?] ew, and have cockroach eggs laid in my tongue? i think no..... sponge.. like bob babyyy
[what languages do you know?] ingles y espanol y sinal lengua
[what's the best awards show?] VEE EM AY's = vma's
[do you like onions?] I dont mind them.
[do you like cotton candy?] Yeah shorty.
[do you like Pina coladas?] "If you like Pina Coladaaaasss, and gettin' caught in the raaain" - always think of Sully when i hear it (yes..)
[what instruments can you play?] FLUTE DAMNIT! (there's the N one again!) and piano.. i admit it.. i play the effing piano too, okay?
[What words/sayings do you overuse?] JJJJJEEEEEWWWWWWW!!! :) I love jewsssssss
[what do you sleep in?] a bed
[whats your bedtime?] depends on if i am staying up chatting.. yeah, i said chatting.. what are you gonna do about it.. kick my ass? just tryyy
[how many pillows do you have?] um.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.. yeah, but it's a VERY complicated sleeping arrangement.
[Do you like to dance?] CAN I DANCE should be the question here.
[do you like to sing?] HARK HOW THE BELLS.. yeah homie.. i do. i also like to freetstyle in my spare time.. but i avoid dropping the "EF" bomb as much, because God told me in my sleep I'll go to hell if I say that word one more time.
[are you any good at it?] you're looking at the most gangster white girl right here..
[how many CDs do you have?] aw - mah - gawd. 200+ .. what can i sayyy.. i wuvvvv mussiiccccc
[do you like to talk on the phone?] i do actually!
[you like where you live?] ssssssshhhhhooooooorrrrrreeeeeeeee
[is your room messy?] that immaculate piece of ass.. hell no. spotless baby.
[do you like your writing?] oh my, i do! i do i do!
[do you like to finger-paint?] hm.. cant say i ever have... :-\
[what do you put on hotdogs and hamburgers?] buns.
[do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] Ew, who does that? Does any COOL person actually do that? Nah. I sleep with a blankie, and a shirt :)
[do you sleep with socks on?] If it's cold...
[are you ticklish?] hehehehehehe.. maaaaaaaaaybbeeeeee ;)
[are you shy?] hehehehehehehe, didnt i already answer this??
[do you talk to yourself?] yes :(
[is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories?] uh, 2.. and a basement.
[do you have a basement or an attic?] um, read ya fucker
[are you a morning person?] I just realized God's sending me to hell cause I just dropped the "EF" bomb..
[what's your favorite outfit?] I dont have a FAVORITE! I'm grateful that I have clothes.. that's all that matters.
[do you believe in ghosts?] boooooo, yes!
[what's your favorite feature (on yourself)] the things that are like, shutting right now (that'd be my eyes dumbasses)
[what do you do when you're nervous?] bite my lip.. and fidgit!

*Called You: Jimmy
*Slept In Your Bed: moi!
*Saw You Cry: mom, cause we were all.. watchin' this movie n' what not.
*Made You Cry: uhh.. Mr. Feeney, hahaha
*Punched You: Anna or Sara
*Hugged You: Momma?
*who were u at the mall with last: Alynn, my favorite Jewish girl
*Yelled at you: RAAAARRR!! GOD!!!
*Gave you flowers: haha, I can actually say.. Jimmy sent me flowers for Christmas :)
*Bought you clothes: ME MYSELF AND IRONICA

*Been To New York?: Yankee Stadium BITCH-ASS
*California?: Yes.. when I was a weeeeeeeee little lad
*Hawaii?: Nah
*China?: haha, nope.
*Canada?: I fell in-love with a 10-year-old in Canada.. Gavin, I love you so much baby.. oh yeah.. and "FUCK YOU JORDAN!!!!"
*Danced Naked: hah
*Stalked Someone?: Mr. Incontro claims that I'm a stalker? Weirdoooo
*Had A Mud Bath?: That does not sound appealing whatsoever.
*Wished You Were The Opposite Sex?: Ew, no.. well, maybe.. just so I could bang Weasel ;)
*Had An Imaginary Friend?: We just broke up.. he ran out on me when he found out about Lupe .. :-\
*Kissed someone with bad breath?: Hm, naw.. alcoholic-breath
*Been scared ur breath was bad?: hahahaha, hmm, no, maybe? ew, what a weird question!
*Had emotionless sex?: AAAHH! I thought that said "motionless" sex. Guys, take a minute to think about how weird that'd be....
*Tried to suduce someone?: My pet hampster, Jorge in the 2nd grade..
*glad to be done ?: Eh, my tank of energy right now... is at an all time low... so, yeah.. damn, i dont even feel like takin' my fingers off the keyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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