Sticky: my fandoms,favorite characters and ships

Jan 16, 2022 23:09

This is the only public post and should give a little overview for all the shows I
watch(ed)/my fandoms and my favorite characters and ships there. I try to update it every time I get a new show etc. (Note: bold = shows,characters and ships that mean most to me,strikethrough = I stopped watching at some point and haven't watched all episodes, ( Read more... )

tv shows

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Comments 68

domelom January 16 2008, 23:17:35 UTC
Uh, nifty. I should do something like that too.


malicat January 17 2008, 01:28:12 UTC
Hehe,du bist ja auch so ein Serien-Junkie,gelle? Dann viel Spaß dabei :P


lastwordslinger January 16 2008, 23:18:58 UTC
NEAT! Can I get the code for that table? :D


malicat January 16 2008, 23:44:56 UTC
Sure :)

I got the basic code from here (the second one) and changed a few things:

1. 10am noon --> shows
noon -2 am --> Characters
2pm -...--> ships

2. Keep the headers Monday,Tuesday free,just write

3. And then fill in the data for every show where on the example is Home Ec, Math, Geography and repeat this for every show.

I hope you can work with that. I'm a total beginner when it comes to html codes so this one was already a big challenge for me *lol*


lastwordslinger January 17 2008, 00:17:10 UTC
Thank you! That helps a ton actually. :D


bm_shipper January 17 2008, 00:11:40 UTC
Sorry to interrupt, but gooooooooooooooosh, you have Tom Hanson (21 JS) Icon, right???? Tom is sooooooooo fucking cute, and especially together with Dougie :P


bm_shipper January 17 2008, 00:10:41 UTC
Hui, da ist ja ein extrem langer Abstand dazwischen, aber ich finds eigentlich ganz interessant, wollte sowas auch schon mal machen, aber irgendfwei hatte ich nie Zeit :D


malicat January 17 2008, 01:27:14 UTC
Das mit dem Abstand liegt an meinem blöden Layout.Das war ich nicht *lol*
Das war auch abartig viel Arbeit. 1. bin ich ja nicht so der Hero was html codes angeht und 2. schau ich nunmal seeeeehr viele Serien *lol* Aber ich finde es praktisch,wenn man das so als sticky post hat,dann kan jemand,der neu zu meinem Journal kommt,direkt sehen,mit wem er/sie es zu tun hat *g*


fueschgast January 17 2008, 18:34:19 UTC
Ich glaube ich weiß, woran das mit dem Abstand liegt. Ich hatte mal das selbe Problem in meinem Blog. Ist aber schon ne Weile her, also bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher. Irgendwo zwischen den Tabellentags hast du Leerzeilen, stimmts? Wenn du die rausnimmst, müsste der Abstand wegsein.


malicat January 17 2008, 18:42:32 UTC
Oh,echt? Dann werd ich das mal ausprobieren,da sind nämlich jede Menge Leerzeichen drin *lol*
Danke für den Tip!


thereisnosp00n January 17 2008, 06:25:51 UTC
Oh my frack. This is fabulous!!! I'm going to use this... :D


malicat January 17 2008, 19:26:13 UTC
Yeah,I've seen that you already did ^^ Glad that this was useful for you!


lincolnimp January 17 2008, 06:42:54 UTC
yours looks so much better than mine :P
everytime i look at it i realise just how much of a tv show addict i really am *g* (which reminds me.. i haven't updated mine in a while...and somehow it won't let me because i reached the maximum number of characters for one post or something Oo)


malicat January 17 2008, 19:28:01 UTC
Some of my friends here made this list too now and none of them had so many shows I have. So don't worry,you're not the only tv show addict *lol*


lincolnimp January 17 2008, 19:32:43 UTC
lol good to know ;)


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