I know I said in my last entry that I needed to talk to you, but this is urgent. I figured flying it to you would help. I have encoded the paper, though, so hopefully no one can read this except for you.
Pansy and I....we've made decisions. I've been talking to...someone...about things...things that have to do with the Dark Lord.
Even with this letter being supposedly safe, I don't want to write it down. But it has to do with Longbottom and the Dark Lord, and Pansy.....this stinks. Sometimes I hate you for leaving school.
Is there a way that we can talk within the next 48 hours? It is vitally important.
I don't mean to seem rushed, but this is....well, it could be termed life or death.
I hate this. Stupid bloody school.
And no, I am not going to rant about how I want to kill first year Hufflepuffs this time, in case anyone's wondering.
I'll probably just go hex some instead.
Yes, I am scowling at you, oh disapproving ones.