
Mar 31, 2008 19:29

You know, I like April Fool's Day as much as the next guy. Well done jokes and pranks are something I appreciate and, honestly, it takes a lot of talent to pull off good ones on April 1st, because, naturally, everyone is expecting it.

So, today, I decided to wander over to ENWorld to check out some posts I'd heard about regarding the continued non-existence of the GSL and I noticed a thread in which one of the moderators stated he was giving up playing 3e and was not going to adopt 4e either but would instead return to the roots of the game -- OD&D. Like a moth to the flame, I was drawn to this thread, which was then quickly filled with a variety of posts by moderators and administrators, each of whom began an orgy of insults and recriminations directed at one another, with some of them threatening to quit because of the behavior of their fellows. Throughout it all there was the implication that ENWorld was about to be sold or change in some fashion and that this was the origin of this slow motion civil we were watching unfold, as mod after mod appeared and started flinging harsh words at one another.

The thread was locked several times and then unlocked. It was moved from forum to forum. As this happened, it became more and more clear that this was all a stupid, childish prank of tremendous proportions. So, being the kind of guy who can only handle idiocy from children for so long, I posted a call out to the mods and said, point blank, "This is all an April Fool's prank, isn't it?" Within minutes, my post was edited by one of the mods and replaced with the words "Don't call out the mods, boys."

Now I remember why I don't hang out there anymore. Idiots.
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