I've been hooked on
Deviant Art lately... looking up macabre/horror image manipulations. Mmm.
But it no doubt had something to do with the following dream:
I was one of several teenagers sneaking into this school at night. I'm not sure why we were sneaking in other than fun. I was hanging close to this pretty blond girl because in the dream, I envied her popularity and wanted to kind of soak some of it up.
We all went into this gigantic gymnasium, and as we were filtering out and splitting up to check out the place by ourselves, a section of the gymnasium wall flashed with this series of Latin words and magical lines-- it was like some kind of occult circle, only on the wall.
As it did so, the blonde's lips curled up and she suddenly found herself holding a gun. I backed away, as did the other teen still in the room. She shifted the gun between us and made us promise to help her trap the others. There was a hallway that had two offshoots, and we were both told to go down one, then yell as if in pain and run back for the gym.
I and the other student looked at each other for a long moment, then moved away from her, each choosing a hallway. There was no way -I- was going to help her, but I didn't want her to shoot me. So I moved down my chosen hallway, looking for the other kids so I could warn them.
From the other hallway, I heard the boy yell out, and then a gunshot. He'd helped her trap another student. I heard a second gunshot, and I ran down the hallway, searching for the other student. Finally I entered a kind of dorm room, and one of the other teens was there. I started whispering out a warning to him, when suddenly his head exploded-- he'd been shot. I turned around, and the blonde was there, staring at me coldly and leveling the gun on me.
I started sobbing, begging her to kill me, and lying to say I'd just been about to yell. She grinned this wickedly cool smile and said, "It's okay, honey... I forgive you. Gather up his head for me, will you?" I had to gather up the remnants of his skull and give them to her, and my stomach was churning. I was horrified.
She led me back to the gymnasium, where I saw one of the other students dead, along with the boy who'd help trap him. My eyes widened, and I started looking for some way, anyway out. She left the gym for a moment, and I searched for an exit-- there wasn't one, except for where she'd just left.
I found a niche in the side of the wall and pressed myself against it, hoping she wouldn't find me. When she came back to the gym she seemed to -sense- where I was, and moved right for me, standing inches away.
I kept sobbing and begging her not to kill me, and she ran the gun along the line of my tears, smiling at me fondly. "You're going to help me," she whispered all cheerily, and cocked the gun.
She had me proceed her into the hallway, always a step or two in front of her. Rather than leveling the gun at me, it was more like I was a lackey, stepping before her into every room where she killed more people.
She took me back to the gym after we'd had trouble finding the last four, and she kept eyeing me with this terrifying look-- I -knew- I was next. I was pressed up against the gym wall, whimpering as she ran the gun along my side, when suddenly 3 teens and a tall beefy (not fat-- beefy) police officer came in.
The cop started telling her to back away from me, because if he tried to shoot her he'd end up shooting me. She was grinning, absolutely loving every minute of it, and she had this languid sensual way of moving. She finally turned to face him and calmly shot all three teens, one by one.
He stumbled backward, horrified, and started fumbling with his gun-- apparently, it was jammed. And she started walking toward him casually, all hips swaying and lips curved up. She was saying something like, "It's just you and me, honey... and one of our guns isn't working. Don't you wanna be with me? Don't you love the way I move, the way I talk, the way I kill?"
She was leveling her gun on his forehead, looking like it was some kind of sexual thing for her given her expression, when suddenly he got his gun to work again, and shot her in the center of the stomach.
The blond looked surprisedly down to her stomach, watching the blood spread over her cotton baby-doll t-shirt, and slowly fell down to the ground, in slow motion even. Eventually, she stopped moving.
The last teen ran into the room, a short black-haired boy. "No no no!" he said, "You're doing this all wrong! You don't understand-- the glyph we found on the wall corresponds to Amal Kalana, the Corrupter. The killer is -not- going to be the one influenced by the Force-- it's going to be someone she keeps close to her, causing the manifestation."
I wiped the tears from my eyes, looking sadly at the boy, and suddenly I wasn't afraid any more. I looked down at the blonde and felt a sense of loss, but my eyes turned to the cop. I said with my eyes focused on him unblinkingly, "Don't you wanna be with me? Don't you love me, the way I move, the way I kill?" The cop was absolutely mesmerized, and he took a halting step toward me. It was -me- that was hips moving and lips curled now.
I kept walking toward the cop, smiling coquettishly at him, and he wasn't able to even -try- to stop me. I bit my lip teasingly, then whispered, "Doesn't it get to you, sometimes? The way nobody ever respects your authority? The way they tease you, call you a pig?" I smiled warmly at him and whispered, "Kill the boy, sweetheart."
The cop was still staring dumbfounded at me, but he started to lift up his gun. The boy, terrified but thinking fast, quickly grabbed the gun and aimed it at me. He fired, but the cop knocked off his aim, and I was shot in the side. I looked down at the blood spreading, and I felt sad that anyone would want to hurt -me-, given what I could do for them, how I could free them. I poutingly looked at the cop, and he immediately blew the head of the kid off.
I stumbled down to my knees, and pressed my hands to the spreading blood. I felt weak and dizzy, and the cop walked over to scoop me up in his arms. Apparently my influence also gave him a bit of super strength, because after he ran out of the building (stopping to shoot the janitor as he went), he jumped up to the roof of this garage, and ran across the rooftops with me.
He took me to his home, where he happily shot his wife and child. He put me in the bed and smoothed my hair away, and I promised that he and I were going to have good times, fun times. He looked at me adoringly and reloaded his gun.
That's where the bulk of the dream ends. I vaguely recall us hiding out in different places and of course lots of bloodshed and dead people, but for the most part he was taking care of my wounds and killing people for me. :P But!
I woke up, and fell back asleep... and the dream continued. Apparently the taint had been removed, and I was myself again. The cop was dead, and my side was bandaged up. I went back to the school, and it was now some kind of college dorm/video arcade. I could still see the imprint from where the glyph had been, and I touched it sadly. I really missed being the demon of Corruption. :P
I started suggesting we draw out the demon using a trick-- we'd split up, since it requires two people and two people only to activated it (one to be the Corrupter, and one to be the killer).
Only this time, the person who was supposed to be the Corrupter would resist it, knowing what's going to happen. Naturally, I volunteered to be the one to resist the corruption. ;D
I woke up while trying to argue my way into that one. ;o)