Title: Pumpkin Bread, Angel Food Cake, and Costumes Galore... Oh My! (DCU, Steve/Diana, NC-17)
Author: Malkavianlove/ Insolentwitch
Fandom:DCU, Wonder Woman
Characters: Wonder Woman (Diana), Steve Trevor
Pairings: Steve/Diana
Continuity: Pre-Reboot; The continuity where Queen Hippolyta was the Golden Age Wonder Woman.
Genre: Romance
Word Count: 1579
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Comments 5
What a lovely story, m'dear! You captured the essence of Diana and Steve very well, and the image of Steve chained up to bake? You naughty girl! ;)
Diana does need someone to relax with to escape the pressures of all her titles, and Steve gives her that. :)
Nice detail about the way they've negotiated Diana's strength to prevent a lot of ER visits! :)
I loved the idea of honoring her mother with the Golden Age costume. What a great idea! :)
I've always imagined that super strength creates a lot of delicate situations for heroes and their romantic partners. It just seems to me that Steve would handle it with humor because he seems to be such a bright spot in her life.
I'm really glad that you loved the idea of her honoring her mother that way. I loved the original costume and can just imagine the jaws of the JSA members dropping when she walked into the room.
Awesome! :)
And yeah, I'm a bit naughty *lol* There's nothing sexier than a guy who with skills in the kitchen.
Nothing sexier! ;)
And Steve's choice of Diana's mother's costume was a wonderful idea and really ties everything together nicely.
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