Waaaay behind...

Jul 14, 2008 17:19

I am finally up to date on my flist again (an accomplishment that will only last until tonight)!

I am up to date on Doctor Who as well! And I must say... IT WAS FREAKING AAWESOME!
I was silly enough to watch part one 2 weeks ago and couldn't see part two until last Friday. A whole week of that cliffhanger! Strange thing was, I didn't really think of it that much. I was too busy. Then when Thursday night came, it suddenly started spinning in my head and I nearly suffered from insomnia. :P So the next day I was desperately looking for an hour to myself to watch the season finale!
Thoughts on the whole two-parter:

- Insane Dalek Kahn is love! ♥

- Davros is scary... 'O_O' He's always reminded me of some more severe Asperger's Syndrome cases... that's scary because me and my brother both have mild Asperger's Syndrome (Dont' worry, neither me nor my brother aim to destroy all life ^^)

- TWO DOCTORS! That's brilliant! I love it! XD

- The DoctorDonna. That was also brilliant!

- Donna's gone. That's a shame. She was fun, if a bit annoying at times. Although it's just as well. One bonkers David Tennant is fun, but add an equally bonkers DoctorDonna and it becomes too much. Though I wouldn't have minded if Clone!Doctor could have stuck around. Sounds contradictory, I know. But somehow, I think David Tennant can pull off the double bonkers without becoming too much.

- Daleks defeated again. Do you think they'll stay extinct this time?

- Rose. I don't know what to say about Rose. Except she's *very* chavvy. I never did get what the Doctor saw in her. o_O? Except she was resilient. But oh-so-young and oh-so-stupid. I didn't like her from the start, so I wasn't too thrilled about her coming back. I'm happy she's back in that other dimension with her own Doctor. Now hopefully she'll stay out of the series. Although she is spoiled. I mean, how many other former companions of the Doctor get to take home their very own Clone!Doctor? *doesn't think Rose deserves her very own Clone!Doctor* Sarah Jane Smith - Now there's a woman who should have her very own Clone!Doctor. Question is, should she have a David Tennant or a Tom Baker? o_O?

- Martha and Mickey in Torchwood? Why not? I think they'll have tons of fun! ^^ Though I will never forget Tosh and Owen. :'( Is it just me or is Torchwood getting more and more gloomy? It seems like it's just getting darker and darker for each episode. Hazards of staying put and looking back, I guess...

Speaking of staying put, I wonder how Clone!Doctor will cope with that? No Tardis, no time travel, having to settle down, get a job, commute... No more instant travel. No more 30 seconds from one end of the universe to the other. I hope he manages. I'd hate for him to blast his way back through the dimensions. I'd hate it because he'd probably bring Rose along. >_<

I've finally gotten back to writing some of my stories, which is always fun. Though they're still a long way away from getting done. *sighs* Still, everytime I write on them, I get that much closer to finishing them. :D

And now for rounding this all off with a YouTube vid! ^^

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPejYdBM11I

doctor who

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