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Name: Jubilee [ Jubilation Lee ]
Fandom: X-Men: The Animated Series
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (ish)
Time Period: E64, "Lotus and the Steel"
Wing Color: Black, with the pattern of fireworks.
Here and
Here and
Personality: As the youngest member of the X-Men, Jubilee is the character we are most meant to identify with. A young, orphaned, teenaged girl struggling to find acceptance in a world that rejects her and all she stands for - she often takes the center spotlight in any plotline dealing with acceptance or finding ones place in the world, as most of the older characters have already found a way to deal with the contempt and scorn that other people carry for them. Due to a rough childhood, bounced from foster home to foster home, Jubilee is wary to trust and has never really found a place to call home until she was brought into the X-Men's fold.
Cool, pop-culture savvy and prone to hip references on the fly, Jubilee is your typical eighties-early ninenties kid - complete with the massive sunglasses and funky fresh duds. She would be your average teen, were it not for the fact that she's often out saving the world, the universe, and all of mutant kind on a regular basis. Along with that, the girl is a much despised mutant who attends a "school for the gifted", whose student body is composed of several much older fellow mutants. As a result, she's often regarded as "the kid", much to her constant irritation.
When first meeting someone, faced with an unfamiliar or dangerous situation, Jubilee reacts with quips and sarcasm. Attempting to be gruff and maintain the appearance of a cool, collected teen with not a care in the world - Jubilee instead often comes off at first a snarky, rather quick tempered child who can't decide whether she wants to be close to people or keep them at arms length. Judging from the reaction her current foster parents give when asked about her friends, it's clear that she had difficulty forming permanant friendships with her constant moving. When she's actually grown to trust someone, she can be a tad clingy and constantly strives to prove herself, perhaps in fear that one day they'll grow tired of her and send her away.
Getting along best with the quick tempered, gruff Wolverine and the playful, suave Gambit, Jubilee has a bad habit of attempting to appear tougher than she actually is and take on tasks that are deemed far too dangerous. She's taken the X-Wing without permission on more than one occasion to help someone in need, leaving only a note for the poor Professor as she goes gallavanting off to save the world and play with the big kids. She's also fought such dangerous foes as Sabretooth on her own (in the in-universe comicbooks) and proven her heroism in the face of adversaries. Of course, her own ego and eagerness to prove herself often serves as her own downfall.
Strengths: On the supernatural spectrum, Jubilee has the power to shoot potentially powerful blasts of plasma from her fingertips - referred to as fireworks or "pafs". These can have enough force to throw a Sentinel back, sand graffiti off brick surfaces, and fry electronic objects with a singe touch.
Physically, Jubilee is athletic and strong. She's able to run from and to danger. She's also quite the gymnast. One has to be when they're constantly needing to run from place to place and jump and dodge and swing out of harms way.
Mentally and emotionally, she's lost a lot and never had much in terms of support. She's fairly self sufficient and strong, with a healthy can-do attitude that rarely falters in the face of danger or great adversity. She's also fairly likable and can hold her own in a snarling match with Wolverine.
Weaknesses: In terms of abilities, Jubilee's are often inconsistent. She doesn't have perfect control over them as she's only young and just discovering the extent of her abilities. She's accidentally fried the VCR on more than one occasion, and a stream that could behead a Sentinel can barely push it back the next time around.
Physically? Teenaged girl. She's not very strong of gifted with a great amount of endurance, and she goes down just like anybody else when she's tackled. She's fairly light and can be easily lifted by the older mutants.
And mentally and emotionally, she's a little girl who was denied the safety and security of a family. Jubilee clings when people come along and takes their loss personally. When Wolverine leaves, she blames herself and hops into X-Wing and heads off to search Japan for him. She can take things to extremes and somtimes has doubts about her worth as an X-Man and her place in the team. She's a kid at heart who really just wants a family to belong to.
First Person: You know, just once I'd like to go on a vacation that doesn't end up with me somehow waking up with a headache. Just once! I'm getting sick of sleeping gas and I want my clothes!
And wings? Wings I could deal with. You know who has wings? Angel. But he can fly with his! And all these things are giving me is a pain in the - woah! This isn't my diary... Oh, this is too weird. Too weird.
Hey! Guys! A little help here?!
Third Person: Jubilation Lee was a girl of action. She was the most astounding, amazing warrior girl to ever grace the Savage Lands, the most extraordinary wonderful kick-butt X-Men in the history of the world!
And she was lost.
The girl tromped through the village square, rubbing her feet against the hot cobblestone to remove the grass blades from between her toes. In one hand she held the strange journal, in the other she clenched the hem of her dress. This wasn't Japan, she was sure of that - the funky hair colors and clothes of the residents aside, this place looked pretty much like something out of a storybook.
This just felt like another Genosha. Something felt wrong about the strange place - she hadn't yet cracked open the book, but she was certain that when she did she'd probably see all kinds of scary things about experiments and collars. She'd given a relieved sigh when she'd found her neck free of that stupid beeping mess of metal. Wrinkling her nose, Jubilee sighed and hopped onto the lip of the fountain, extending a foot to finish picking out the stubborn leaves before turning her attention to the immediate surroundings.
... was that her jacket in the window?
"Oh, first they steal my clothes and then they try to sell them?" Wouldn't be the first time she shoplifted. She sprung off of the seat, stomping over to the store. Within minutes she'd left with an armful of things - her coat, her shirt, her shorts. Not to mention her communicator.
"This is not cool." Blowing out a long breath, she peered around for a place to change, eventually slipping into the bathroom of another store. Strolling out wearing her not-at-all camouflaged uniform, the girl spread her fingers and watched the sparks dance. "At least that's still working!"
Note: I'm going with the
Script Order that the episodes were meant to be seen in. DVD releases did not fix the inconsistent order that the episodes were in, with one such glaring error as an episode meant end the Phoenix Saga ending up in the final season.