Mar 31, 2008 23:25
Men are stupid. Correction. BOYS are stupid. They should all be shipped off to an island until they're ready to come back and join us in the real world, where people act like adults AND SAY WHAT THEY MEAN. I hate mind games. They should be against the law. BOYS ARE STUPID!
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Comments 8
you are very welcome to stay at my place in july if you want. sarah and burger are going to visit me then, if you are lucky it might be when you are there too!! the thing is, i live about an hour out of the city but it's pretty, with beaches and a nice area, interesting things! and as long as there is nothing vital happening on that day i can come collect you (from the airport or somewhere else??)... i might have a new place by the time you come that's closer to the city but i also might not. so, as long as you don't mind being an hour outside you are very welcome.
let me know what you decide!
see you then:)
contact number is mobile: 0406 765 234 and home 9787 9313. if you are in a different state you have to put 03 in front of the home number. and if you're calling international it's 0061 406 765 234 or 0061 3 9787 9313. if you want to tell me your flight number, origin, etc... when I pick you up I can call to see if you'll be on time. unless it's domestic in which case it will be.
see you soon!
just wanted to say, when you arrive, it would be a bit easier if you could just jump on a skybus. it leaves every 15 mins from the airport (the staff can tell you where to wait) and it will drop you at southern cross station where I can meet you and we'll go to mine from there unless you want to chill in the city for a bit first. you have my mobile, just again it's 0406 765 234. could you please call me and let me know if that's ok that you take the skybus?? if I don't hear from you I'll meet you at the airport so you don't get confused. also, I'd like to talk to you anyway and find out what you plan on doing while you're here so I can organize work and stuff around it. also, sarita and burger will be here at the same time you will be, for a couple of days anyway, which will be awesome!
ok, see you soon. please let me know. thanks
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