The Rules

May 22, 2008 02:12

After You've Been Accepted...
  • Join the comm with your character's journal.
  • Wait to be approved for membership (should be less than 24 hours, likely less on add days).
  • Add your contact info.
  • Add all the other characters as friends!

getting started, rules

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Comments 7

mmanonmm June 25 2010, 13:58:20 UTC
A suggestion!

To me, the activity requirement seems rather solid and since there have been some recent in-game issues with tagging, I wanted to ask if the Mods would consider adding a few options to the posting requirement. For example one post + a certain number of tags?


dragonaya June 25 2010, 15:26:33 UTC
Hello! Thank you for your suggestion ( ... )


mmanonmm June 25 2010, 16:47:16 UTC
Oh, I didn't mean make the requirement one post + one thread. I was thinking about option of one post + a thread with at least...idk 8? different people. (8 is a completely random number, so feel free to change it)


dragonaya June 25 2010, 17:28:01 UTC
Ah, I see what you mean. While it's definitively something to bring up, there are few other things to consider.

I think it's unfair for us mods to have to go through all the game looking for whoever made a thread with 8 (random number here) different people; we have 55 characters in game, even if we have to find 3 threads (big enough; 1 tag per thread can't be considered activity, can it) for each, it'd make us have to check 165 threads in total.

Of course we could ask for the players to do it themselves. It'd be necessary for the players to send us their threads and links of their activity, which may be annoying for them.


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