Application Process

May 22, 2008 02:20

So you want to sail the high seas?  Here's how to join!

Step 1:
  • Create a livejournal account for the character you wish to play.
Step 2:
  • E-mail with "Application" as the subject line
  • In the e-mail include these things:
    • Your Name/Nickname:
    • Age ( Be honest, please no one under 16 ):


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Comments 24

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the_marines April 15 2009, 00:03:00 UTC
Preferably both. To us it is rather suspicious to have a new personal LJ account with no entries in it for multiple reasons, having someone vouch for you will give you some credibility.

Thanks for the question.

MM Mods


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the_marines April 15 2009, 23:15:14 UTC
NPCs do not need to be applied for. It is encouraged to NPC for a short while before applying, also, to see if you will really enjoy the character or the interactions, etc.


lavidahoooo July 6 2009, 19:09:11 UTC
Question: Is this an AU (characters were born and raised in this world) or OU (characters were transported from their own world) RP? Not that it matters that much, as i'm thinking of apping Hard Gay, but still.


the_marines July 6 2009, 23:52:37 UTC
Most people play as OU. However if the character were in their own world and decided to become a pirate or marine or whatever, and the OP universe is PART of their world, then that is perfectly acceptable as well.


malandros August 8 2009, 00:26:16 UTC
I have a question: Would if be alright to link you to a post in a musebox for the character that is being applied that shows the character in action with another? Or will a link to an LJ of any other character would be better? I've been looking at this place and so far it looks like a lot of fun!


threeswordstyle August 8 2009, 16:22:42 UTC
Which ever you think shows us that you can get characterization and are sufficiently fluent in english.


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the_marines September 1 2009, 23:48:07 UTC
Sorry for the delay in replying! Yes, historical figures are fine for the most part. We do reserve the right to refuse on a case-by-case basis, but that's not too likely to happen. A historical figure with close ties to Hetalia is probably fine (for example, we've had a Joan of Arc in the past); just note that in your application email, please.

The Mods


zhadra_ahni October 18 2009, 09:07:29 UTC
Hey, I'm pretty new to RPing, so I was wondering, if I wanted to NPC a character to test them out here, how would I go about doing so? Do I need to send in an application for an NPC? The community is locked...?

...Also, the rules say not to co-opt an NPC that already exists, but I can't seem to find a list of NPC's? For example, I noticed there's a Nami NPC but she's not listed as a "Taken Character," so I'm still unsure who I could play...

Please forgive newbie questions!


the_marines October 26 2009, 06:48:06 UTC
Sorry for the delay in a reply!

There isn't a list of NPCs; we're pretty informal about it. If you're not sure the character you want to play is already being NPC'd, feel free to just ask a mod (here is fine, if you want) or another player. And there is no process for NPCing; just make a character journal and start commenting around! Any more questions, feel free to ask (I promise it won't take so long for an answer next time).


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