Help Me,Jack

Mar 25, 2005 15:18


Day after day,

Night after night,

I try to convey to you how much you mean to me.

Through words and actions,

I try to show you that you're all I have.

One smile from you,

One kiss

Erases all the tears and pain you caused today.

But it doesn't matter.

It doesn't last.

I mean nothing to you.

I am a single drop of water in the ocean.

I am a single blade of grass in the forrest.

I am a single grain of sand on the beach.

I mean nothing to you.

And yet I still try,

Over and over again.

Through lonely tears,

And ignored words,

I try to tell you you're it.

The thought of you is what gets me by.

But you don't care.

I mean nothing to you.



Not a fucking thing to deserve to be treated like this.

To have my heart broken

Over and over again.

Because I am too much of a fucking idiot to just say no.

To just leave.

I don't need this.

I don't want this.


But I do.

Over and over again.

Because you can't stop how your heart feels.

You're my drug.

You're bad for me,

And I know it.

You hurt me,

And I know it.

And you know it.

But I won't stop.

I won't give up hope

That someday I'll mean something to you,

That someday you'll give a shit.

Does my mind believe it will happen?


Does my body believe it will happen?


Deep down

I don't think my heart even believes it will happen.

Yet, that is what won't let me let go.

My heart.

My stupid fucking heart.

The one that won't give up the fight

Even when it knows it is futile.

Because love is blind.


Fuck love.

It's done nothing for me.

And neither have you.

Neither have I, for that matter.

You do this to me,

But I let you


Because I am a fuckin idiot.

A child.

With a broken heart,

A tear-stained pillow

And a shattered vision of what could have been,

What should have been

What might have been

If you had only cared.

But you don't.

I mean nothing to you.

You think it's ok,

But it's not.

This is NOT ok.

What you do to me day after day

Is NOT ok.
It is not how you treat someone who cares about you.

Someone who would

And Does

Anything and everything for you.

But like I said,

I am a child to you.

To anyone and everyone.

Unwise in the ways of the world,

I suppose.

But not a person with feelings.

I never hurt

Or cry

Or care

Or love.

Not a person with thoughts

I don't think

Or plan

Or have ideas

Or questions.

And least of all

A person with more love

And compassion

And joy

And life

Inside of her than you deserve,

But she still offers.

And certainly

She could never be a light,

A beacon,

Welcoming all lost and broken souls

With open arms,

Beckoning to all in need,

No matter how


Or confused

She is herself.

A light

Which grows dimmer

With each cold word,

Harsh action,

Or careless, loveless encounter.


I must not be any of these.

Because if I was

I would


When you do what you do to me.

I would


When you do what you do to me.

I would be


If I were a child.

If I had feelings.

If I gave a shit.

But I must not.

I am unfeeling and uncaring.



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