
Jan 12, 2006 00:18

72 hour warranty on the goldfish...we got 68 good hours with them though. this time we stepped up from the 17 cent fish the the 2 dollar fish. I like to call them salt and peppa....ones black ones white. pretty sweet. the other ones were flushed. night.

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Comments 2

sawyier05 January 13 2006, 22:48:54 UTC
so I killed Kimberly and Bethany's fish on accident, but when we went to flush it, the bottom of the tank and all the jewels came out too...so im sure it was an interesting restroom break for the next person....


malmal987 January 13 2006, 23:00:46 UTC
hahah!! the lady at walmart didnt let us flush them she took them from us :(


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