1) You spend at least 6 days a week at your school.
2) You hate your principal and you know where he/shelives.
3) You've shoplifted sometime before in your life...or broke any law for that matter.
4) At one time you almost liked your uniform.
5) The second school is over you look like you justgot out of the video "Baby One More Time."
6) You have a way of making yourself look soo innocent....when we all know you're really not (heeheehee).
7) Good little catholic school angel...or should i say devil!
8) Parents seem to think you're such a great influence on their child.
9) You seriously don't know how to shut up.
*10) You update the years of the pennies in yourloafers every New Year's Eve.
11) You will never, ever, ever dress in turtlenecks and/or plaid once you hit college.
12) You are the meaning of the saying: "sex is evil,sex is a sin, all sins are forgiven so let's begin!"
13) When you meet people for the first time they knowyou go to catholic school because..."catholic school
girls are crazy!"
*14) You know how to tie a tie, but not on yourself.
15) You DON'T wear a cross.
16) You become fixated on meeting or talking to the guy of your dreams (also a catholic school kid).
17) In grade school, your Friday nights were spent at a basketball game at school versus "your big rival."
*18) You've put endless amounts of gum underneath a pew during practice for the Christmas pageant.
20) You play field hockey, basketball, AND you like to cheer (but hate cheerleaders)
21) At least two of your friends are named: Katie,Laura, Mary or Maura.
22) Your name has a Catherine, Mary or Elizabeth in it.
*23) The first time you saw Saturday Night Live, you didn't see what was so funny about the "Mary Catherine
Gallagher's" skit.
*24) Your first kiss was from a Mike, John or Jim.
*25) By the time you hit sixth grade, you had figured how to get yourself in and out of your house without
your parents knowing.
26) At least one of your friends thought they were pregnant in freshmen year of high school.
*27) Your mouth was washed out with soap for saying adirty word in second grade.
*28) You're blonde, or once were.. naturally or not...
29) You have sworn that you will never, ever send your kids to catholic school.
30) You lie a lot.
31) You drink excessively on the weekend, or whenever you go out.
32) You do dirty things w/ guys every time you have a chance.
33) When you go out, you always plan to hook up.
34) At dances you form an all-girls circle and no guys can take over.
35) You have the best bunch of friends and no one will ever ruin that one.
36) You get to college and find that not everyone thinks it's cute for girls to: (a) burp (b) fart (c)
pick their noses (d) go to class without makeup, clean clothes, shaven legs, or even brushed hair sometimes.
37) You don't know the meaning of the words "work" or *"study."
38) You have countless obsessions with guys you've never even spoken to (especially if you're in an
all-girls catholic school) and insist on doingnumerous drive-bys every night.
*39) No matter how old you get, you will always refer to your REAL friends as your "villa girls"... or
whatever school you come from...
40) If it's an all-girl catholic school, girls always come before boys when it comes to the important stuff
*41) Drinking isn't just a hobby for you -- it's a career... and something to be very proud of.
42) If it's an all girl school-You never had to worry about seeing the boy from the weekend in class.
43) You rarely shaved during the winter and if you did you left it for weekends.
44) You know every excuse in the book as to why you couldn't do your homework.
45) PROCRASTINATION is an art!
46) De-pants-ing is an all school event
48) You can out-eat any guy you know!
49) We've all been caught drinking at one time or
another, usually at a school dance.
*50) "Only the Good Die Young" is a song to live by.
51) Remember whens are your specialty.
52) You are a closet whore.
53) You have no problem joking about being a lesbian.
*54) You brought an endless supply of green, navy, or maroon knee socks to college with you.
55) You don't remember who your date was for the junior prom.
56) You don't remember who your date was for the senior prom.
*57) They said it was a "recieving line"....but you know that it was the nuns' form of the breathalizer.
*58) In seventh grade, you figured out how to get guys in and out of your house without your parents
59) Everyone knows everything about everyone else's business!
60) Everyone hugs each other when they greet people.
*61) You're obsessed with Dave Matthews
62) You know your teachers on a first name basis
crazy-ass catholic school girls..... ;-) if you were a
public, you just don't know what you missed out on...