hanging out with my bros every night, i get to know more then i can take in. Sometimes, its hard to believe how big they've grown. Even with me around, that does not stop them from talking about private issues ie, their manhood
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we were passing by this land that looks like a graveyard but a very old and not maintained graveyard so me and the bf were wondering whether those were really kubors. it was because there was a sign that said JLN KUBOR
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fiq : i kira-kira kan, i can save few hundreds a year if i buy rokok gulung than buy rokok yang pack. me : kalau you tak hisap rokok, lagi banyak you boleh save eh! fiq : tsk. roll eyes
i can say anything to him and it wont move him. mention cigs, he start rolling eyes la, tsking lah maybe strangle me to shut up.
i memorised the names of all 35 foliage plants and their family including pictures in 30 mins. Solid 30 mins no distractions just concentrate on plants names.
I have no idea why of all modules, i enjoy memorising plants names the most.
I am so proud of myself. I am serious about that A for PID.
Angels and Demons' was very good. some may say it's not as awesome as the book (as always, i mean come on no movie based on books is ever comparable to the book itself) and i myself have yet to read the book but i think what Ron Howard has done is, simplify everything and make the movie what it is. Not many can understand all the terms and what
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