AND CONGRATS ON THE 5K YOU RAN! Haha maybe you can go run the 10km (or 21, if you prefer)standard chartered marathon in early dec! Hahaha I wanted to go for this year's but I'll probably be stuck in Sydney... NEXT YEAR! JOIN MEHHH!!
Zomg 10K-MARATHON? I'll be like the absolute last across the finish line or smth. I don't even know if I can run 10k yet -.- Next December is SO FAR AWAY!!
HAHA YES I KNOWWW but I can't be back THIS December! Yeah, just another 5k to go from here. If you keep training you should be able to. HAHA and you won't be the last. Some people took... Bloody long. Like I don't know. They crawled or something.
I started a semi-vegetarian diet! Well, actually it started out as a resolution to go vegetarian this week but by noon it became "except seafood" and then by dinner dad persuaded me to make it a year-long effort to eat less meat instead. So err yeah now I have to revise the diet plan I drew up during Bio prac -.-
I REVERTED TO 4K TODAY! Haven't run for a week ))):
Comments 10
I REVERTED TO 4K TODAY! Haven't run for a week ))):
random post.. but i like it! HAHAHAH
HAHA arhh i luv sweeny todd! i wanna buy the soundtrack!! can't believe johnny depp can really sing!!
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