08:51:35: @ wallybat ppl are very selfish,they don't want to be inconvenienced even when someone's life is in danger.
09:12:19: @ wallybat my @bijj has #peanutallergy & we rarely fly anywhere b/c ppl don't wanna give up peanuts on flights.
09:12:47: @ wallybat it's not like peanuts are essential to most ppl's survival. they could live w/out for a few hours. but they just don't understand.
11:56:37: @ jimjohnmarks your passport excursions sound a lot like my driver's license trips to the BMV. I guarantee it's easier to get the passport.
12:00:55: @ GarethMalone how can I get DVDs of the series in the US? Love the show, so inspiring.
12:01:43: It's still easier to get a federal passport than an Indiana state driver's license. What's wrong with this picture???
15:17:28: i hate when companies try to patronize me because of a mistake they've made.