My give-a-damn's busted

Mar 14, 2005 00:09

a lot of yucky stuff has been going on in my life.
and i don't like it one bit.
the devil's trying to bring me down HARD CORE.
he really worked me over this weekend.
but don't worry. i plan on kicking his ass soon.

so whenever something crappy is going on in my life, and I go to church, Pastor Jim ALWAYS speaks on something DIRECTLY connected to what i'm going through. today he spoke on holding onto hope through suffering and not running away from the crappy things in your life.  just the other night, i said that i wanted to do just that--run away and hope that crappy stuff didn't follow me.  God's awesome.

with everything good comes something bad:
-i dropped my phone to its death and it finally said screw you and is broken, so i will never know if you called me or are calling me.  so if you do need to get in touch with me, please leave a message with your number until i get a new phone.  and don't text message me:)  *Dave Zeldon has a phone that i can have along with an extra sim card!

-i need to get back in touch with the solids in my life. i miss you all. a lot. *i saw carl this morning and jim bartley and phil and i got all happy inside.

-automatic friendships are hard to come by. i've found that i really don't like the whole "making friends" thing and "dating" thing.  i just want to have automatic friends and the love of my life to propose to me.  with no work.  otherwise you end up feeling emo every once in awhile.  *who needs new friends when you have amazing old ones???

-i still don't know how i feel about xenos.  it's hard to not carry around your presupposed assumptions about something.  *the people there are super indie and super nice.

-*i saw callie in the vagina monolouges and she/it was awesome!!!! hookah bar to see my boys was equally as fun.  i enjoyed myself with britta, erik, callie and friends.

-*classes are over.  a needed break is coming after my two fake finals.

-we probably can't go to cape cod to see colleen. *but swood and i are planning on something in the spring!

-i started volunteering at the puppy pound!

-i love cuddling on my bed with crazy awesome people.

-i enjoy these boys a lot lately-david ensinger and ben meinhold

-i walked in on something i wish i hadn't.  now i have no idea what to do.  i need my mommy. also, my tummy's been hurting a lot lately.

that might be the solution to all my woes--my mother.  and yes, i'd like to think my woes are justified this time.

anyway, sorry you read this.  i'll be better when the sun is shining permanently and i get to sleep in.
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