Sep 09, 2002 18:06
what if you had one shot... one opportunity...
you cant just take the third strike. you gotta go for it. you cant just watch it go by you.
Sep 08, 2002 21:27
ok, so melissa... dont come squealing your tires through my neighborhood ever again. ever. im totally serious.
i just got bitched out by both parents for it, and they will not let me ride in your car at all now.
Sep 05, 2002 21:21
xGirlOnHighx: im going to go take a scalding shower and try to burn off my evil flesh to release my inner happiness
Sep 05, 2002 20:42
....and.. my efforts at researching detailed daily lives in a communist nation are crashing and burning.
time to bullshit. i needed a good bullshitting challenge anyway. essays were getting too easy for me for a while.
Sep 03, 2002 22:08
death. fire. burning. destruction.
i hate it when LJ deletes my entries.
Aug 31, 2002 22:16
i bet he hates me.
oh well. ill call him tomorrow anyway and make a bigger idiot out of myself.
....i was seriously going to say something else, and i just entirely forgot. it was changing the subject too, which would have been good... dammit.
Aug 22, 2002 18:53
god, im neurotic.
im an idiot.
and im beating myself up for no reason, really.
yeah, im still an idiot.
Aug 22, 2002 06:41
wanna know the funniest thing ever? when melissa calls her boyfriend "puddin."
Aug 22, 2002 06:36
i just had this dream that i was pregnant. how revoltingly horrifying.