Sep 11, 2008 13:29
William! Remind me again why you dislike rum?
Because it’s a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels.
Did SHE tell you that?
Miss Swann, yes.
Is that what you truly think?
Yes, of course. Why?
Did she also tell you about fire?
Yes, I’ve heard the tale of how she burned the rum. Many times. You’re not going to tell it again are you?
No, not that fire. Not that it wasn’t a complete and utter waste of perfectly good rum. I refer to the other fire. Burning. Wanting. Needing. That fire.
I wouldn’t know, never touch the stuff.
Really? Pity. Well, never too late to try some! What say you?
For what purpose, Jack? So I can look the total fool?
No. One word. Curiosity.
Yes, you are curious, are you not? Curious as to what you might do, say, want, if you were to…
Were to what, Jack? Get drunk? What purpose would be served?
Ah ha! You’re afraid.
I am not afraid.
Yes you are.
Am not.
Are too.
Fine, give me that bottle. I’ll prove it to you.
Some time later…
Well what?
Has it made a scoundrel of you yet?
Pity. Here, have another swallow.
And later still…
Jack, there is something the matter.
Eh? Come again?
I seem to have lost my toes.
Really? Let me go see. Hmmm, there seem to be several here, and some more here…
That tickles. Jack! What are you doing?
Counting toes. Seven, eight, nine…
I don’t think my toes are there.
How would you know? You’re the one that lost them. Besides, you’re only missing one.
I am?
Found it!
Oh. Oh! Jack! That is NOT a toe.
I knew that. Best make sure though, just in case. Savvy?
will turner,
jack sparrow