me shirly and baar in the bus
michal- the funniest kid everr!!
whoever took this picture doesnt know how to take pictures
some funny girls
shirly is so pretty
yael and hadar
maia and michi
stupid dor
shirly and hadar
hadar shirly tamar michal and michi
many cool kids ( im the one with sun glasses and the blue shirt...)
our whole class
many girls outside the dining hall
hada shirly and koko
we were on camels and it was awesome!! yevgeni is the one in the right... (on th camel...)
kokos hottttt boyfriend sorin!!
on the camels once again...
baar and sorin!!!
shirly and baar probably looking at yevgeni, the hottest thing around...
shirly and tamar on the camel...
sorin and maia
isnt sorin hotttt?? but for those of you who thought otherwise yevgeni is hotter
shirly and nachli
inbar yaara lev shirly nachli and leigh
shirly koko maia and michi.
thats it and pictures of yevgeni will come soon!!! i promise!!