
Jul 27, 2014 00:16

So the thing that I'm really into these days is a place called HabitRPG, which is basically a place to help people get more organized and focused and give them fun and silly rewards for basically being an adult which, lets face it, a lot of us, including myself, are not really very good at. ;P ( Read more... )

being a m-f'ing adult, habit rpg, productivity

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Comments 4

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mamishka July 27 2014, 17:13:54 UTC
If you're the sort of person who likes making lists and crossing things off of them, then you'll probably enjoy it. It's not really a time sink at all. The quests don't involve doing anything more than what you're normally doing, there are just greater rewards and greater consequences if you don't do stuff, so basically more impetus.

But yeah, motivation has never really been your weak point. ;)


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mamishka July 27 2014, 17:22:35 UTC
*SNORK!* Excuse me? Designer and creator of beautiful clothing?? Hello pot, this is the kettle. You're black! ;)

And sadly, because I lack motivation, I have not been using any of my talents lately. It is a very sad thing. I haven't made any art or written any stories in several years now. :(

You are a beautiful, amazing, TALENTED thing! Don't you dare say otherwise! :D

*smooches you!*


sistawendy July 28 2014, 05:26:41 UTC
I don't need HabitRPG, but it sounds kind of genius.


mamishka July 28 2014, 07:15:17 UTC
I really love it! I wish I could find more friends who would find it useful. It's great because it does have a simple but nice social component as well, so people in the same party can help support each other or ask questions or do quests for more cool stuff. I wish I didn't need something like this, but I still haven't been able to fix my brain enough that I can act like an honest to goodness adult, alas.


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