Title: Part IV of "Revenge of Akihito" - "Asami Strikes Back: A Flower and A Vase"
Main characters: Asami, Akihito
WollfynRating: R(!)
Disclaimer: Both characters and the idea for this fic belong to Yamane-sensei.
Description: Asami is fed up with Akihito's tricks. The photographer still has Viagra originals and Asami is sick and tired of
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Comments 49
Asami's voice continued to drip with the sticky sweetness of melted ice-cream and honey.
His long fingers ran through Akihito's hair and suddenly got a vice grip on the boy's silky strands.
He forced the boy to turn back, to look at the damned image on which the red brightness of the enormous rose stood out like a pool of blood.
He noticed the flower stand...that a single crimson rose would be a perfect Valentine's present for his lover.
He came around to more camera clicking...flower at different angles.
He couldn't do much...an uncomfortable position, with a ball gag in his mouth, a red ribbon at the base of his erect cock and a magnificent crimson rose put in it as if it were a vase.
Still, Akihito had to do something really naughty to piss off Asami that badly, and I am sure you will get some reaction from the community.
You don't think that Viagra trick and hiding the originals from Asami would piss him off? Maybe I should mention it?
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