I know it's been a while since I last updated... But it's been crazy, I went to Rome to visit a friend in the exact week she had all her finals, so while she was studying and working I research for our summer trip to japan
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But is there any way I can ask you to maybe help me look for a FClub ticket as well? I would seriously be eternally grateful. I am leaving pretty much a day after you D: So..If you had extra tickets maybe we could go together??
^__^ No problem, XD!! I'll try asking my friend if she can ballot for another ticket... if she only needs 3 I can ask her to try and get the fourth you are allowed, (>____<)
I don't know why but I have a good feeling about the Tour, ^.^ Ahh!! by the way... we'll try to get tickets for the 30th... Jun's birthday, XDD!! I'll try getting in touch with my friend! :D
OOohh yes! That is so sweet of you to ask her. I am up for any of those dates, and I think would be a complete dream come true to go to an Arashi concert T_T
I know!! I even told my friends that because it's in the Kokuritsu, if I don't get tickets I'll be waiting outside just to hear the concert... because even if it's from the outside it'll be worth it, XDD!!
Eeemm... tengo que ahorrar entonces, que la cosa está mu mala y no puedo permitir que un día comas menos por poder traerme algo ^__^ (y si secuestras a mis futuros suegros?? XDDDD)
Tampoco son tan caras las cosillas... a lo mejor el merchandising del concierto si... pero las fotos oficiales (y las no oficiales) son baratitas... creo q no llegan a los 700 yenes o algo parecido... así que tampoco es tanto gasto... además la madre de Aiba tienen fama de dar foticos y cosillas de su hijo y del grupo a las fans que van a su restaurante... (aunque me supongo que únicamente a las extranjeras xq si le tiene que dar cosas a todas las chicas que entren... tiene que tener toda una habitación de fotos oficiales de su hijo, XDD)
Comments 8
But is there any way I can ask you to maybe help me look for a FClub ticket as well? I would seriously be eternally grateful. I am leaving pretty much a day after you D: So..If you had extra tickets maybe we could go together??
I don't know why but I have a good feeling about the Tour, ^.^
Ahh!! by the way... we'll try to get tickets for the 30th... Jun's birthday, XDD!! I'll try getting in touch with my friend! :D
Bueno, entonces perra no, cachorra XDDD
Eeemm... tengo que ahorrar entonces, que la cosa está mu mala y no puedo permitir que un día comas menos por poder traerme algo ^__^ (y si secuestras a mis futuros suegros?? XDDDD)
lo del secuestro me lo pensaré, :P
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