C- *small chuckle* It's not your fault. Perhaps if I paid more attention and weren't so scatterbrained, I wouldn't struggle with them so.
I- I do. *small smile* I think I could have been quite good had things been different. I do love music...
S- Mm... I love a good miso, but if I had to pick a favourite... *small smile* my 'ka-san made the most wonderful Zoni for the New Year's celebration. I can still remember the succulent melding of the vegetables and meat, and the perfection of the mochi she served with it...
C - Or if desserts weren't like a siren's song... ~_^
I - Hm...I'd never thought about it before, since it was just me, but the cottage is quite small. Especially now that we have Kuro and Kem, too. Perhaps we could look for a bigger house - one that would permit us to have a small piano in the living room? That is, if you were interested in taking it up again.
S - Then next New Year's, you and I will make it together. ^_^
Comments 19
N - **frowns** Some of those aren't very nice...
W - **giggles**
N- I know. But they don't bother me as much as they used to. I'm learning to consider the source.
W- *blushes, chuckles* It's the truth. Bakeries are my downfall.
N - That's a wise course of action, my friend. There are too many nasty people in the world to stress over things like that.
W - **grins** That's why I try to send you treats from time to time. ^_^
N- *smile* It's thanks to you and Seiichiro that I've been able to learn to do so, you know.
W- *laughs, hugs* And they're much appreciated! ^_^
I - Do you still remember how to play?
S - Alright...which one is your favourite? ^_^
I- I do. *small smile* I think I could have been quite good had things been different. I do love music...
S- Mm... I love a good miso, but if I had to pick a favourite... *small smile* my 'ka-san made the most wonderful Zoni for the New Year's celebration. I can still remember the succulent melding of the vegetables and meat, and the perfection of the mochi she served with it...
I - Hm...I'd never thought about it before, since it was just me, but the cottage is quite small. Especially now that we have Kuro and Kem, too. Perhaps we could look for a bigger house - one that would permit us to have a small piano in the living room? That is, if you were interested in taking it up again.
S - Then next New Year's, you and I will make it together. ^_^
I- Seiichiro... You would really want to do that? Give up the home you've kept for so long, just so I could play?
K - **amused snort**
K- *chuckles* well? ~_^
K - Nothing...it's just eerily appropriate...
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