Title: Tree of Thoth
Part: 54/?, Gear.
Rating: T
Warnings: Spoilers for five games (AI 1-3, MK 1-2) and one manga.
Genre: Humor/Friendship/Family/Supernatural...
Characters: This chapter: Edge, Nell, Alvero, Rufina.
Pairings: Potential Roxis/Vayne, but could go either way
& there's mentions of Renee/Tony, Theofratus/Isolde, Klein/Veola, onesided Lita/Klein, Edge/Rufina, Iris/Crowley, crushing!Arlin/Yuveria for the lulz, Felt/Fee, implied Elusmus/Palaxius, eventual Flay/Anna (and onesided Flay/Renee), etc.
Summary: Recipe: Take one Roxis, three Vaynes, 1-point-one-repeating Irises & many more. Place in workshop. Sit back and watch the explosions. An ensemble piece with ordinary school days and eldritch abominations. Current arc: Ordinary School Days - Iris Remix.
54 - Gear Sprite