I am amused at how many people equate long weekend + lack of sleep = good weekend. XD Three people so far, at least. Normal people are such interesting creatures!
Well, regardless of their strange views on the world, they are in fact correct. Wonderful weekend, and I got so much awesome I think I need a bucket...for all the tears I'm shedding, what are you thinking you sick minded individual! >_> (I got Kanaya, Sollux, and Vriska horns, and they are awesome!) Regardless, some Homestuck loot, some FF7 loot, and some misc loot were bought, and the stack of awesome DC loot was received, so I have so much loot I would feel like a thief if my wallet didn't hate me right now!
So many plunnies nipping at the back of my mind. I wonder if I'll ever get the energy to write them? (Yes I will. I love them too much! XD)
I get to go hiking this weekend! Yay? XD I wanted to sleep in Saturday, but ooooh weeeeell I'll live. I signed up for the hike because I'm too much of a recluse, so a recluse I must not be. Besides, if the weather is good, it should be a delight. And if it's not, well, it should still be nice to get out.
I have my offer letter! I now have to go through the headache of parents, but I HAVE THE OFFER LETTER! So my job will shortly be stable, even if it's a shitty gods-I-am-so-sick-of-answering-the-phones-so-move-me-to-another-position-already stable. It will get better!
While there is sure to be something I'm forgetting to ramble about tiredly, I am forgetting about it in tiredness. Thus, I shall end it here. z_z
tl;dr: Ramble amble amble amble...