Action; closed to Gabriel
[…in the panic room, Elizabeth sat up, gasping and choking. Terrified out of her mind as she kicked off the blankets, it might have been a week, but for her, it’d been merely minutes. The fear was burning hot, and she reached out, trying to make sense of the black behind her eyes that was so impenetrable, trying to find something solid to cling to. There was nothing in the black, nothing but the moments before her death playing over and over again, she almost wanted to scream again.]
Voice / Action; open
[There’s a very short, quiet message for those that it matters to. Her queenly mask keeps her together even when she might be falling apart, and her voice is straight forward as if they were her advisors and she was giving an address. But she’s not appearing on video, she doesn’t want anyone to see her like this, not clothed properly (for her standards) and blind, it is weak and it is frail and she refuses to have those words associated with her.] For those who have a care, I’m… alive again and with you once more, though currently I am staying at another residence till my sight returns. Lord Loki and Lady Selina, you’ve my apologies. [There’s a sigh and the sound of fabric rustling.] I beg of you all to keep your wits about you, I’d rather my death not be in vain - if it’s all the same to you.
God speed.
[… and for those in the Singer-Winchester house, Elizabeth can be found stumbling about, her hand to the wall as she tried to find her way around, and most especially trying to keep herself out of everyone’s path. It is humiliating enough without being seen like that. But still she tries to do as much as she can by herself, cursing in fantastically colourful French when she kicks her shin on something or knocks over something else.]