Who: Gabriel and Selina
What: Sneaking back to get his stuff
Where: Hatfield Palace
When: So late it's very early, 2nd Jan
Rating: PG-14 (probable cursing)
He'd never actually moved in. He was trying to make that point as clear as he could to himself. He might have stayed for okay, weeks before spending the night some place else, but she'd not asked and it hadn't been written in stone. He could have just made more stuff. But he didn't have much stuff, and it was his, and he wasn't letting her keep it.
Besides, he wasn't exactly thinking clearly at that particular point. Most of the drunken haze was gone by now, but not all of it. The part that thought breaking into Hatfield and taking his Tigers was still going strong. That was why he was there now, going through the maze of long corridors, going back on himself, trying to find where the fuck her rooms were. All his stuff! All his books and his Tigers and his! She wasn't keeping it. Mean old bitch would probably burn it if she got half the chance, or toss the stuff that wouldn't burn into the sea.
That was when he walked into something, one of those stupid table things with a stupid thing on it. It wobbled for a moment, then toppled, rolling in slow motion to the edge. Then it fell, and smashed loud enough for the other side of the city to hear.