Who: Castiel and Jo
What: Comfort and intimacy needed here.
Where: The Roadhouse
When: So late on the 2nd of Jan.
Rating: PG-14 (for, well, ahem. comfort.)
Hours looking through every single crook and cranny there was to this unholy planet, or at least where he could get to.
Every store. Every bar. Every road, every old car. Castiel had gone through all of them, meticulous as always and nothing. Nothing. Not even a hint of where Dean could have gone. Everyone had kept telling him and Sam that Dean had gone home, back to their world but how could he go home without them? Castiel could understand without him - but without Sam?
Well ... not of his own volition, anyways.
He couldn't go home and face Sam with the news that he failed. That Dean was gone and he couldn't stop it, couldn't do anything. Again. So after sending Jo a brief text, he appeared at the Roadhouse, looking completely weary and heartworn.
"...Jo? Where are you, and where is Gabriel?"