standsfast and
What: Dealing with the side effects of the return of Kaidan's biotics and attempts at reconciliation after the Canon AU event.
When: Backdated to the 12th.
Where: The Normandy SR-2.
Rating: Can't see it going beyond PG-13 at worst.
this is supposed to be luck. )
Comments 11
It was probably a bad idea, there was no saying how things were between them anymore, but he wanted to see him, if only to just apologise for his behaviour. Still, it was no doubt going to be awkward. Heading down to the crew quarters, he braced himself before he went in, surprised to see the room empty even when so very few people actually live on the Normandy anymore. Spotting Kaidan, Shepard let out a faint breath and headed over, crouching down beside the bunk at a safe distance and offering a smile.
"Kaidan, do you have a minute?"
Hell of a time for Shepard to pick to try and talk to him. Not that Kaidan hadn't been trying to figure out a way to approach the commander about what had happened that week, on both sides, but that had been before the migraine struck. Still, he took a steadying breath, collected himself enough to answer.
"Bad - bad timing, Shepard." The strained note of his voice should say enough.
"Headache?" He didn't know how bad the migraines really got, he just knew they happened. Considering for a moment, he slid his hand down Kaidan's arm, squeezing his hand gently. "If you can make it to my cabin, you can sleep in the dark, if you want." The fish tank would still be lit up but it was ambient light if anything, and it would at least be dark enough to not cause many problems.
"If not, I can get the lights dimmed in here and put out a strict order for you to be left alone." Whatever he had to do to make Kaidan comfortable.
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