Feb 07, 2010 17:16


These etiquette guidelines for desaiooc AIM chat are being outlined as a way to help maintain ~peace and tranquility~ amongst the ranks of members who participate in chat. With the increased use of the group chat, so too comes the responsibility of players to recognize different personalities and to cater to one another in certain ways. Obviously, being AIM, there is no way to punt someone out when they get out of hand. There is only the opportunity to speak with them, warn them, and eventually remove them from the game. As such, I consider desaiooc a discussion forum free-for-all in which you all are expected to be accountable for yourselves when participating. It is optional.

Before going into the guidelines, there is one thing that should be known:

- We pick on one another sometimes. There is a limit to how you should do this which will be clarified, and honestly being adults I believe you should understand where those limits are. Yes, it is the internet, and it's hard to understand jokes sometimes... but that's what RIDICULOUS USE OF CAPSLOCK, *action* [action] -action- /action motions and emoticons are for.

Now, the guidelines! Again, these are not rules. But this is based on feedback from players, so it'd be good to try to follow these as much as you can. These are always subject to tweaking as needed! Nothing is ever perfect :o

Anytime you do something in chat, just because you don't hear something from me and I don't get feedback, that doesn't mean you haven't left a lasting impression on everyone watching.

Please understand that if you want to complain against one of these suggestions because you believe the infraction is so bad that it qualifies as needing a moderator, you will be expected to provide extensive evidence.

- If you know an underaged player (by US standards since that's where your moderator is based) is in chat, do not talk about sexual content or link to NSFW content. It doesn't matter if they're a month away from 18. If everyone is 18+, all bets are off.

- Any NSFW links should be kindly noted as such.

- It's invasive to be asked too many personal questions, or to hear too many personal details about someone. This includes:
        -   Asking for legal information. It's the internet, the chat is full of strangers. This includes names. If someone wants to be called Buttercup, you will call them Buttercup.
        -   Sexual encounters.
This isn't to say that when you're either with all people you know or you know that it's someone who doesn't care that the discussion can't happen, but we're on AIM. There's IM for some of these talks. If the chat seems comfortable and all engaged in the conversation, cool! Have fun. If not, please mind those who may not be interested! Pretend you're in a restaurant (and care lmao).

- Do not speak about others negatively outside of their presence. This one is fringing on a rule. I don't care if you would say it to their face. Don't do it.

- I don't care if you show up to chat drunk, but you will be held as responsible for your actions as you will be when you're sober. Again: we're all adults and have consumed alcohol before (because if you haven't, you wouldn't be sitting in desaiooc) so you know how you behave.

- Linkspam sucks. I'm not saying no links ever, and if there's a series of them okay. But WARN for them, and if they are links intended for one person, then you should IM them. Linkspam is a quick way to drive some people into a blind rage. D:

- This area was once classified as "Chat Domination". Since this has become a less prevalent issue (!!! :D), this space is just here to remind everyone to always be mindful of the chatspace if there are multiple conversations going on. Try not to over-power the chatroom with your conversation, and see if you can engage others!

- Treat others how you wanna be treated, follow the golden rule, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. We understand that sometimes people don't get along and that they don't always like each other but we're all adults here, and we need to treat each other civilly. Also leave any and all drama at the door. This is a place for all of us to come together as a community and have fun.

- I understand that some members have a pretty rough, acerbic sense of humor. Teasing is usually in jest but don't dish it out if you can't take it, and don't do it to people if you know they don't like it.

- Sometimes players might do something... weird. But if it's not completely uncalled for or totally offensive, please seek out a mod. It comes to a line of picking and choosing your battles.

- "Weird". Well. Sometimes we might do OOC/IC type RPing from time to time, but if you want to do anything that isn't just there for the lulz (maybe something shippy or something), take it to PM. It's awkward. And I feel as though each of you are adult enough to understand what is and is not appropriate.

There is only one chat rule:

- We do not make distinguishments between sex/gender, sexuality, religions or races. From here on out, if I receive a complaint about someone acting out against someone in a virulent manner about what they are or what they believe, there will be one warning. A second instance of this will result in a suspension from the game up to one month depending on the offense and accusing parties are expected to show me logs/screenshots/whatever. A third offense will result in banning from the game. And this is in any circumstance, not just in chat, but since we have had cases of this in chat only, I figured it would be best to classify it here.
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