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[CORDOVA] Standing to the north of Center-City is the proud Cordova District. This is where business booms. From law firms to corporate headquarters, to the industrial zone more north-east, this is the place you set up shop if you mean to run a real enterprise. Some of the most wealthy of citizens, though those who cannot afford the housing in Rituana, live here in large modern mansions, and the shopping and dining is more expensive here than anywhere else. The richest celebrities and socialities work, live and play here. Welcome to Cordova.
[COURT OF WATCHERS] While courts for criminals reside all over Desai, the Court of Watchers has been designated as the courthouse for all the most heinous and high-profile of crimes. All guilty verdicts are sent to Rituana's Palace of the Peace for the final decision to be made on their punishment.
[THE NORTHERN HARBOR] Running on the Cordova-side of Central Park is the Arcana River, headed east. Stationed here to manage anything attempting to come in is the first sight of border patrol that Desai citizens will see. Run by the stunningly peaceful and beautiul Harbor Master Elly Mae Jaeson, this is the more calm and forgiving of the two major harbors. Perhaps it's because Elly only has to worry about dangers coming in to the city, but trespassers onto the Northern Harbor's property are less likely to end up dead, or even apprehended.
[CORDOVA-CENTER-CITY JUNCTION] The in-between of the two city regions. Junctions are generally a perfect blend. In this case, it hosts all the richness of Cordova with all the flashiness found in Center-City.
[CENTER-CITY] The first place that greets the eyes of weary travelers from worlds abroad. A clean, technologically advanced portion of Desai that never closes down; especially with its entertainment establishments. Theaters, casinos, hotels. It's flashy! It's busy! It's big.
[THE TRAVEL AGENCY] Lining the entire eastern shore is the intimidating Travel Agency. A large station colored in whites and steel, and adorned with lights of many colors and flags of many worlds, it has everything a newcomer or a traveler departing could want: short-stay hotels, clothing stores, restaurants; even small entertainment venues. The inside is glistening with granate floors and statues made from throughout Desai's extensive history. It really is a construct suited for its purpose, giving every newcomer or returning citizen a small history lesson, and a course on the city values as they pass through. There's even a museum dedicated to some of the more famous MDEA Agents, and the relics they've found across the world abroad.
Monorails are the transportation vehicles of choice to and from different worlds, and the entire agency works like an airport with customs and everything. For those with slightly less experience in the world of technology, customs agents will spend time to teach newcomers how to user technology to connect them to the network if an individual wishes. They will be afforded a device for free as well (but a word of caution--it is a government device, and MDEA does have vested interested in every resident of Desai).
[MDEA HQ] Standing across the Travel Agency, beyond a lush green park of several acres, is the the humble entrance of the MDEA Headquarters. It's a building of similar construct to the Travel Agency and, while decent in size, appears to be far too small to hold the organization of MDEA. After all, aren't they a massive agency that runs anything and everything inter-worldly? Hm...
[THE STARSCAPE] Nowhere near the Travel Agency, but still visible as one of the tallest buildings in all of Desai, is the Starscape. An old casino turned into a hotel and full-out family resort, the ominous Starscape stands as a true testament to what Center-City is all about. The massive tower you see, spanning up a hundred and thirteen (yes, thirteen) floors is the hotel itself, along with three new towers that span up eighty floors each. The bottom floors are the most affordable, whereas the very top floors to the family that owns the Starscape and the staff working for them. Upon entering the Starscape's glittering entrance, you are given one of three ways to go: To the left is the three level casino with men and women in black suits with bold purple or red blouses roaming around as casino security; straight ahead is the main desk, large and grand; and to the right, the corridor leading to the entertainment made for all ages, including movie theaters, a mini-mall and a zoo.
As prestigious as the Starscape is, and as landmark as it is to Desai's history, those who stay on any floor from the 77th and up tend to come away with the most interesting of stories, of spooks and strange noises and other scary things. Rumors claim the owning family Satanic, and that the history of the Starscape's most wealthy citizens having been coated in the blood and sin of dark rituals. Some believe it continues, even to this day. But remember: the higher the floor, the more expensive the rooms. If you intend to ghost hunt, you'll have to have a pretty penny saved.
Once under the hand of the Greer family, after the head of household went insane during an event in October of 2009 and a family score was settled a member of a rival family, the Starscape changed hands of
ownership in December of 2009.
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002 [NUN STADIUM] For all your professional sporting needs, Nun Stadium is here to serve. Hosting a wide array of sports from across the worlds, the name of the stadium seems to fit, coming from the Egyptian entity from which all was said to have been born. Nun Stadium is a mega-complex of the most sophisticated technology to handle everything from Triple Triad competitions to hockey games to full out blitzball tournaments. It is also the hotspot for city politicians to make speeches during their campaigns, as well as concerts by various sorts of performers.
[CENTRAL PARK] Sitting on the boarder between the Cordova District and Center-City is the massive Central Park. While the outer boundaries of this park are cleared away for fun activities and sports, the inner spots are catered towards those looking for a more nature-filled walk without having to go out to the Enlil Mountains. But be careful: young women and children should never go unattended, as the dence flora often makes it hard to hear, or get to someone in time for help.
[CHINA TOWN] When Aikercia Tokyo first fell, China Town Center-City was born on the farthest side of Center-City towards the forested side where not much is developed otherwise. Anyone is welcome here to any of the stores, the theaters, the restaurants and parks--and any other facilities around for the most part--but as can be expected, it's of all Asian origination. But because Desai is what it is, there might be some variation in the type of cultures there since one world's Asia may not be considered Asia to another~
[MILLENNIUN AVE & CENTENNIAL ST, ENTERTAINMENT CIR] Millennium and Centennial are simply crossroads to one another. Centennial shoots straight through into the freeway that will lead out into the forested middle area of Desai that breaks for either Mayra or Rituana. Millennium heads into Tayon. Where they meet however is the heart of the entertainment block of Center-City. Entertainment Circle is exactly that: a circular street that eventually meets one of them at any four points. And within? Clubs, bars, all the prime hotspots that are the gems of Center-City nightlife! This place is faboo.
[CENTER-CITY-TAYON JUNCTION] This junction hosts the party of Center-City and the non-stop bustle, but it's got the seedy underlay and the grime and crime that Tayon is known to have most constantly.
[TAYON] Welcome to the lower-end of the Desai spectrum. Home to some of the cheapest and poorly kept housing, and keeper of the most sinful affairs (at least most noticeably). It's definitely not advisable that you go here alone, or in any group less than five, even if you live here. Police presence is a rarity in these parts, and the few stations here are full of corrupt officers.
[REDLIGHT HAVEN] Obviously the sex district. Strip clubs, dirty bars and cheap "gentlemen's clubs" line the filthy streets and on every dark corner stand worn and tired women no matter the time of year, ready to try to swoon their way into passing cars.
[CONVICTION AVENUE] An alleyway residing in the darkest, furthest piece of Tayon. It's littered with rubble untouched from many years that have passed. The buildings around it have been standing at least eight decades, and have been built clear back to nestle against both sides of the entryway to a massive cathedral, the religion for which it served purpose unknown. The entrance is covered in graffiti, although the graffiti stops there. Most Tayon natives know to pass no further, as simply passing into the alleyway is danger enough. The name "Conviction Avenue" is a nickname given to this alleyway based on a historical event more than a century ago, during which an extremist group of Jesuits dragged declared 'sinners' from their homes and, after sealing off the doors to the even-then abandoned cathedral, forced them into the alleyway to face execution by gunfire before the authorities could arrive. The bodycount was eighty-nine confirmed.
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003 [MONUMENT PRISON] While every police station around Desai has their own jail, this is the ONLY prison to date in the entire city. Several miles outside of Tayon's outermost boundaries, it backs up right against the foothills of the Enlil Mountain range, and is miles away from the stretches of major highways that lead to and from the publicly accessible portions of the mountain range. The prison is advanced to handle many calibers of creatures, from the mundane human to the most powerful of metahumans and mages, thanks to the technological ingenuity of MDEA's contributions.
Monument Prison is completely self-sufficient, with farmland well-guarded that the inmates must work in, a welling system for water... It's even rumored that MDEA leant them the technology of a specific power source only found on the desert world of Gunsmoke.
[ENLIL MOUNTAINS] The Enlil Mountain range lines the entire southern shore and actually spans clear around through Rituana and just touches Aikercia Tokyo, and is filled with history all of its own. While a good portion of the mountains are open with large ski resorts and camping grounds, as well as even hotsprings and what is said to be a dormant volcano, there are still little buildings here and there that show that MDEA presence is here in certain places. The border patrol is a bit more difficult to tag here, which is all for the better. Who wants to deal with that, when you're too busy failing miserably on the Bunny Slope and crashing into a tree?
001 [THE SOUTHERN HARBOR] The Arcana River runs to and through natural-made tunnels in the Enlil Mountains, spilling out into the ocean on the other side. This is where Axan Babyl comes into play. Unlike his counter-part in the Northern Harbor, this Harbormaster is a jaded Galbadian man who has to frequently deal with whatever the river carries his way, both animate, inanimate, dead and alive. He is also the head of the mountain's division of Border Patrol, and runs the show with a far more itchy triggerfinger than Elly Mae as well. Most trespassers don't have the liberty of being even apprehended based on his standards.
[TAYON-RITUANA JUNCTION] This junction hosts a derelict society of religious, occultic undertones to everything that is there. In the buildings, in the people, in the crimes, in everything. It's kind of eerie...
[RITUANA] Residing north of Mayra, and nestled under the abandoned Augusta, is Rituana. Looking as though it came directly out of some sort of steampunk film, Rituana is home to Desai's old money. It is next to impossible to buy any property out this way, as the property is typically passed from generation to generation. If something does go up for sale, you better be old money yourself to afford it. Rituana is a dark place, even in the summer time when everything is at full bloom. No one has yet to explain how it always seems to be covered in fog to varying extremes year-round. Most its streets are stille cobblestone, and it's not odd at all to see the denizens here taking more classic forms of transportation if they're staying in this area. Mind the horses-crossing signs. It does have some of the best European groupings though if you want the legit stuff.
[AUGUSTA] A ruined city with felled architecture made of stone, not wood. It looks like the ruins of ancient castles and temples from many centuries ago. It's caged off, but if you decide that you want to go there, you might find more than you bargained for by way of danger both human and paranormal. There have been rumors that MDEA will be turning Augusta into a large library in the near future.
[AMNAIN (CEMETARY)] Amnain is the biggest and oldest cemetary in all Desai, with a series of towering mausoleums that glow gold in the night, and rumored catacombs sealed off underneath. You may not be able to live in Rituana, but unless a plot is bought in smaller cemetaries around the city, you will most definitely be put to rest here. The oldest grave is a crypt marked over 670 years ago.
Graveyard curfew starts strictly at sunset, year-round without fail. A series of sentries that walk about as Amnain's security will assure of that. Rumors say these mysterious men are the children of cult members who cursed Amnain long ago, causing it to become unsafe after sunset and until sunrise; that these men are attempting to atone for their fathers' sins.
[PALACE OF THE PEACE] Those brought to trial in Cordova's Court of Watchers, upon being proven guilty, are brought to the Palace of the Peace for judgment. Because only the most important and high-profile of cases are brought to the Court of Watchers, Rituana is always a bustle with media when the accused are brought to the Palace of the Peace. The Palace of the Peace serves a double purpose as a site for citizens to implore the High Court over decisions dealing with much of anything in the city. The only subject banned from, and if brought up will lead to arrest, the High Court is the subject of border patrol.
[RITUANA-MAYRA JUNCTION] This junction is a smooth transition from steampunk to modern day Grecian architecture. It's fanciful!
[MAYRA] Desai's suburbs to the Northwest. While most areas are hardly the stereotypical white-picket-fence sorts, this is one of the less congested and least unique of the different places in Desai. It backs clear up to the beginning of the MDEA boundaries of border patrol because of its vast public beaches. As far as a general feel of architecture, why don't you guess for yourself:
[BACCHUS HIGH SCHOOL] Bacchus High was the first high school to follow suit with UniOly in implementing the inter-world curriculum that was created by the Board of School Affairs.
[UNIVERSITY OF OLYMPUS] This prestigious school is the first of the Desai schools of high education to put into effect the teachings from multiple words. As such, this is the school of choice to many immigrants, some of the student clientelle being in Desai solely for this school.
[MAYRA-CORDOVA JUNCTION] This junction hosts a lot of gated communities where Desai's celebrities and politicians tend to live. Snobsssss.
[AIKERCIA-TOKYO] This peninsula now reopened, Aikercia Tokyo tends to be a multi-cultural hotspot. It is regarded to be the oldest part of Desai, the landing point of Desai's founding families. It was destroyed long ago by manners never explained, and took many decades to rebuild. But now it's back and better than ever, the buildings as big and bold as those in Center-City! So if you want to party, you can go to either side of the city to do it. Just ignore stuffy Rituana. Whatever you do.
[little SILENT HILL]
On the coast is a small and completely abandoned little ghost town. There are no signs indicating its name, even though it seems rather out of place, like it's been dropped out of the sky without its residents. The streets are always shrouded in thick fog, and while the entire town seems strange, it's also extremely boring once you realize there are no clues to uncover.
So why is there a border patrol guarding the ways in? Is it because of the
rumored disappearances? You might be able to sneak in if you're careful, but the risk of getting caught by the guards here makes it barely worth the effort. It might be better to wait. Who knows? Maybe the town will send you an invitation and a free pass to its true streets.
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