An In-Depth Analysis...of YOU
I don't care about your name, so let's skip that, ok? ooooooohkaythen
Instead, what's the best thing anyone has ever called you? sister, when your friendship becomes so strong that it becomes family.... hopefully that makes some sort of sense. I get it at least.
How old do you feel? 12
How old do you look? I guess I look my age.
How tall is your best friend? I have a few but I'll pick the tallest 6' 3"
What color hair did your 5th grade teacher have? Brownish
What color are your father's eyes? Blue
Where do you wish you lived? anywhere but here
A Bit Deeper Now...
Do you remember your dreams? I try to
If so, tell me the one that disturbed you the most? I don't really remember any off the top of my head I barely ever remember something once I wake up
How about the one that made you feel really good? same as above
When you were a child, did you have very vivid nightmares? I remember waking up crying twice when I was 10 or younger
If so, do you remember them even now? nah
Were you ever betrayed by someone you trusted implicitly? Yup
What do you do when you're home alone? sleep, clean, computer, bug Ninja, read, exercise, draw, whatever... one of those
What do you think about when you are trying to fall asleep at night? I'm a girl so there's constantly hundreds of random things on the mind
Do you fall asleep easily? Not usually
Who is the one person you could never forget? I'm not sure if I could forget anyone... at least I hope not
Who do you trust the most? God
Tell Me Your Secrets...
Are there things that you've never told another human being? most likely.... it takes a lot for me to open up to someone
If so, have you ever even written them down? Nope
Have you ever been deeply hurt by a friend? Yes
If so, have you ever *really* forgiven them? I'd like to think that I'm over it... I don't dwell on it
Are you a virgin? No
How do you feel about that? I was at least responsible about it. Waited long enough. Knew about consequence. Yeah, I'm weird like that.
Is there anything that you really regret doing? Not really. No regrets.
How about *not* doing? On that note. I dunno. Never really thought about it. Not wearing my retainer as a kid ... see, I dunno.
We're Really Deep Now...
What frightens you the most in the whole world? the way this world is becoming
Have you ever contemplated suicide? yes
Have you ever tried to commit it? nah... I think it's the most selfish, greedy thing anyone can do
Would you donate an organ to your best friend? absolutely
What if it meant you'd die, but they would die without it? honestly, it's up to them
What is the worst thing that ever happened to you? don't really remember
Are you afraid of death? not at all
What do you think happens afterwards? I'm curious to find out but I'll have to wait until then
Are you a religious person? I'd like to think so
What *do* you believe? I believe that all religion is related yet there should be no issue with how we choose to practice our beliefs. I can go off on this for a while but I'll end it there.
What are you passionate about? Life, Love, Music, Art, Friendship... maybe more
Do you carry a lot of guilt? I hope not... that would suck. I do worry a lot but I don't think anything is bearing me down
Would you carry a gun? I believe that guns should only be owned for hunting critters for food or population control. ... eh, if you think about it we are kinda overpopulating the place. Okay, go ahead. Why not get a gatlin gun so you could speed up the process.
Do you have a lot of anger? Nope.... I'm only occasionally bitter.
Have you ever thought you were going crazy? I am crazy, honey.
Have you ever thought that maybe you ARE? and this is all in your head? that was one of my theories
Do you believe in coincidences? yes
Why? they happen too many times
How did you like this survey? fun times
I took from