It never fails! Every time I have an entry about Kurt that's positive, something shitty happens.
Last night, Kurt and I were talking and he said that he had a wedding coming up; his friend, Jenn, whom I do not like because she has no respect for our relationship or boundaries, has a brother getting married.
Great, I think, I'll pull out my nice dress.
Kurt wants to go with Jenn, not me.
He says she needs "moral support" because her father will be there, and they don't have a good relationship and it was abusive. Now don't get me wrong, I always believe someone who says they were abused, but Jenn... I wonder if she didn't make SOME of it up.
Furthermore, why do you need MY boyfriend there to "protect" you? Take your own. He says that her current boyfriend "doesn't know" and "doesn't understand," so he should go with her instead. (I wonder how he feels about it. "Honey, my brother's getting married, I'm taking Kurt instead!")
Well, yeah, I got upset. I said going to a wedding with Jenn was completely inappropriate, because you don't go on a wedding date with someone who isn't your girlfriend WHEN YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE. I told him I wouldn't tell him he could or couldn't go, but I also told him how I felt.
Which, you can imagine, led to a tantrum. I can't help but think in my twisted mind that he's upset that he can't date Mandi AND Jenn, too. I know (and hope) this isn't the case, but I'm just so disappointed and angry I can't see straight. (Like anything about me is straight, anyway... besides my hair.)
I just need to know if I'm crazy or not for standing my ground in saying I'm hugely uncomfortable, disappointed and how inappropriate it would be for him to take her as his date to her brother's wedding. I would never go with John to a wedding, despite the fact he and I are buddies. I didn't even go to Thanksgiving dinner with him and his family when invited, because hey... John and I aren't dating and I thought it would be completely inappropriate and hurtful to Kurt if I did that with someone other than him, friend or otherwise.
So there it sits. We're both in a snit and I'm the bad guy. But if he goes with her, I assure you, it won't go without a great cost, and one he won't soon forget, either.