.was drunk last nite .i got my 2nd wind tho! .joseph has a big fuckin mouth .i think i drank that wine a lil tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast .i have this anger inside of me that i can't even describe .saw fantastic 4 last nite w/ daniel n gabriel...meh...it was ok i guess...funniest parts were shown on the commercials..but whatevesssss
.last nite partied at lupes .was fucked upppppppppppppppppppppp (on a wednesday nite HA!) .so.co + vanilla coke .my bro mario was there! .i was talkin out of my ass last nite .i <3 my brothers .
that was DOPE! .playing w/ my new laptop .this weekend was my spiritual leader's 21st bday weekend! .i was drunk....very drunk .i got daniel the dopeEST present! .i <3 my new laptop
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.i think my ipod is broken .edc tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!....im so stoked...gravy train!!!!!...moving units!!!!... n much much more!........o.....n a bunch of carnival rides n lots of...hmmm...mischief??? .i still need to register for classes .i could say no....but i never do...........
.it was a fuckin reunion last nite .people got a lil crazy .i drove home .i laughed so hard .i think i called someone? .beer = <3 .dumb daniel wont answer his fone rite now..gahhhh
last nite went to beat it was toasted........nicely toasted saw soooooooooooooooooooo many people last nite...yet i didnt see SANDRUH i had fun interesting stuff happpend last nite im bored
.last nite was the shit .tecateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .warped tour 2003 dvd .oh wine .last nite was the muthafuckinSTOP............ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!