*blows off dust* I. HAVE. TO. REACT.

May 13, 2010 23:48

Ha ha so i realize I really haven't used this thing in...well over a year.  I'm very unfaithful to my internet places of residence :I.


uh yeah Spoilers. like a shit ton.

I guess vent's not the BEST word.  It's not that I'm particularly mad at it, it was a good finale *pet*.  But not the best...I realized during last episode that the pacing for this season has been bit off, like they are trying to shove too much into an already good thing.  I feel like that is due to
the writers seeing this as the LAST season, when we now know that there is indeed going to be a sixth season.  I dunno when they decided that, but if THIS was a SERIES finale, i would NOT be happy. nope. not at all.

The start was WONDERFUL. People are always saying how the Impala is a big part of the show and a character in itself. AND THEY ARE RIGHT.  And YAY Chuck! ive missed him, nothings better than a prophet in a bathrobe.  I loved seeing the past of the Impala and how it ended up in the hands of the Winchesters.

Also at this point I was reading the credits of who was in the episode. SO fuckin disappointed to see a distinct lack of Mark Sheppard aka Crowley! I've grown quite attached to him, and dammit after the big part he played in the last two episodes I think its ridiculous they couldn't bring him in for the last episode. I'm not sure just WHAT part he'd play, since I'm pretty sure if he had somehow tried to intervene along with Cas and Bobby at the cemetery heeeeee would have blown up.  Although if he had and had come back to life then he'd have to be at least SOMEWHAT good.    SIXTH SEASON CROWLEY! SIXTH SEASON!

um anyways.  Boys bonding.  end up in Detroit. LOL YES. Oh and whats with the show and the eerie predictions of the current weather O__o
ugh big storm in Chicago area last week and it has been like stupid cold as of recent here in Michigan.  why cant you come here for realllllzzzzz.   I have to say I can't quite remember what was important about Detroit before...my memory is shit.  Was that where he originally released the devil?  I can only remember the xmas episode they had in michigan with the killer pagan Santa Claus.   Cas you are ADORABLE.  :3 scrunch up your face and try to talk all manly and human like lawl don't even try!

"Storm" Lucys stronghold?  I am going to miss his first vessel, the guy did a great job.  Oh yeah, teared up when the devil PSYCHED Dean and left.  Evil!Sam is ebil.

I was mad at just how far gone Cass was.  I guess the whole not being angel thing really hit him hard, but man seeing Dean as the ONLY one with any faith left just felt ridiculous to me for some reason.   This episode really just came down to how much the brothers believed in and relied on each other, and everyone else was just around for the ride.  I guess I'd just grown used to Team Free Will and now im just so sad to see it breaking up ;___;

Michael and Luci bitching?  Was ok.  I didn't feel like we really got much out of Michael about his character until Dean showed up and he got all pissy about destiny and what not, so really he's just like the other angels in that matter.  Oh I almost cracked up when Dean drove in with his little cassette tape.  I thought the song was "pretty fly for a white guy" as i've never heard that GUNTA beginning on anything else.  I can just imagine the scene playing out so differently if that was the song XD but anyways, I liked how it brought the three brothers back together.  I feel bad for Adam as he kinda got screwed.  It felt weird how they brought back kinda random characters this season, and yes I am including Lisa in that statement.  "No one beats up on my brother but me", sums up Cas "Ass-butt"-ing (funniest thing ever) Michael with a vodka bottle and Lucy...blowing him up.

My jaw.  On floor.  TEARS.

SatanSam is scary O__o   I wonder, did Satan not see Cas as his brother anymore since he wasn't an "angel"?  I forget, but did he call him brother during the episode where he had Cas in that ring of fire?  He seemed somewhat hurt at killing Gabe but nothing for Cas.  Geez family issues. And of course Bobby had to die after that.  I have to admit I wasn't sure if they were going to make it.  A friend reminded me later on FB that "they'll come back, like a soap opera".  she hasn't seen SPN before, but its basically true.  They die EVERY finale and somehow come back. They just got around to it faster this episode.

Anyways, Sam beating up Dean was the saddest thing ever.  I thought Cas kicked his ass bad.  Gaw the make up guys did wonders with his face.

IMPALA TO THE RESCUE!  Annnnnnd down the hole they go.  I wonder what Michael going down there with him is going to result in.

SO THEN WHO POPS UP ? FREAKIN CAS!  Ok One, I was VERY happy to see him in one piece, and with his angel mojo back!  But i have to admit, the whole "God brings him back to life" thing feels kinda overused as he's already done it like...twice?  God must REALLY like him. which is good. cause we all do <3 But with that I did feel like it started to quickly pull him away from Dean, which makes me sad cause they became like buddies :O And he's the new sheriff in town?  huuu i wonder how that's going to go down. would that mean he'd be too busy to come back to earth? I WILL NOT HAVE IT. and he does suck at goodbyes.

Question, does what Chuck have to say about Bobby hunting possibly have significance?  *shrugs*

Lisaaaaaaaaaa.  Yeahhhh I want Dean to be happy, I DO.  But I feel like they are really pushing it trying to bring her and Ben back from season three.  I actually really liked that episode and the possibility of a mini-Dean, by blood, was adorable and hilarious,  but as the show went on I did forget about them.  It seems strange for me for Lisa to have that huge of an effect on Dean.  It's actually funny, i did this

on my tegaki earlier today, since TNT had that episode on earlier this week, and after the finale was like "WAYYYIT DIDNT MEAN IT!".  I loved Ben, he was so cute and funny.  they so bonded.  but...yeah i just don't feel it.  Maybe its just the huge fangirl in me for Dean/Cas\s, I'd like to think I can put that aside for actual CANNON, but, who knows.    And with...Sam? Lucifer? Samcifer?  showing up at the lamppost like Dumbledore?  I'm really hopping for them to get back on the road and hunt down the next menace to the earth that comes along.  Cause really, I can only see this ending with them both biting the dust and having no real reason to come back, or driving off into the sunset....or maybe settling down. Maybe.

And then there was Chuck.  Chuck.  The white, clean pressed shirt that he suddenly showed up in at the end threw me off at first itself. and then. SHAZAM! GOD?!?!?!?!?!? Seriously, SERIOUSLY? I....I'm still not sure how to feel!  It's a bit of a twist if thats true, I didn't see that coming. I read somewhere about the necklace not glowing in his presence before, but what if maybe that wasn't God at the time?  And I can't think of a instance that Cas was around Chuck when he was off hunting for God with it so that could explain that...

As my friend was saying about the soap opera, I think i was put off by how they killed everyone and then brought them back in the span of 15 minutes.  That was just too much for me.  Maybe it would have worked better if they had stayed dead...and then God shot Cas up with his angel mojo at the beginning of next season...or maybe that would have been too much like this season's begging.  I get the feeling ChuckGOD felt bad and did it fast this time.

Stuff they so overlooked.  CROWLEY ughsorryimobsessed.  Um, the Antichrist?  I was just thinking about him when Adam came back, which made me think of Adam of GO, the Antichrist in that novel. .  Wasn't he supposed to be a bigger part of the apocalypse beyond just an omen? I know he disappeared to protect his family and what not but i'm surprised no one thought of trying to enlist his help since he seemed to have so much power.  I know he was just a kid, but desperate times man.

In the end, there were parts I just LOVED, but the END end of it left me wanting a bit...and wanting to change some things.  And making me realize that I need to reel back on the fangirling and try and accept the cannon sometimes. EEeeeeeven if I don't like it.


OH YEAH oTHER THOUGHTS- They never addressed further where Jon and Mary were in heaven/if they were.  So i assume that's going to be looked at next season.  Just something I thought about.

Really I've never cared this much about a season finale for ...any show, before.  I've loved Supernatural since it first started, but I can't say I was one of the fans that knew EVERYTHING about it, but I was still dedicated to it.  This finale just felt so different and off that I was thinking about it and hell ended up dreaming about it last night which is uber weird for me to do.  I think I built it up wayyy to much in my mind, which is what I often do.  Plus its sometimes hard for me to criticize the things i love, even when I know that it needs to be, if only to make it better.   And it doesn't help that I haven't had a lot of other things to distract me recently to keep my mind off it.  Which is why I really need to get out and so something distracting for a while.

So season six...lets get a move on, shall we?  I NEED YOU IN ME. NOW.  

If time had allowed, Dean could have had the chance for a number of wonderful gay jokes about Sam having a guy in him.  Dammit.

the above is VERY long and really for my own enjoyment. I just HAD to get it off my chest or i'd implode. And sorry for the typos, obviously LISA really doesn't stand out in my mind if I can't spell her damn name right. And well Michael...i just can't type. Fail.  And I have seen Castiel as Cass before, hell i think the captions on my TV have it as Cass and why would that lie to me, but i went ahead and changed it to Cas.

LIFE NOTE-  I would really like to try and start using this again.  Even as just as art dump journal.  MOTIVATE ME PEOPLE!

supernatural, castiel, season finale, lucifer, season 5, sam, dean

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