This is a conversation with my friend, Joe, who has a love enhancement technique. He often emails several of his friends for advice in his struggle to share this vision with the world. This has been a part of a ten year conversation.
My responses are below...
--- Joe wrote:
> Hello Manea,
> I am writing you because I am in need of your wise
> input.
Manea: I'll do what I can.
I am
> suffering with my desire to help others,
Manea: Let's work with that shall we? Suffering is such a terrible thing in this world. Truely, is your internal beating making this world a better place by it? Does the energy you emminate, by your suffering (which ultimately is not a private event) add the energy that the world needs? Do you help the world by suffering from unfullfilled desires?
and what
> I've been hearing,
> "Don't try teaching others what you discovered for
> yourself." I
> paraphrased that, but it is my shortcut
> interpetation of what I am
> often hearing
Manea: Are those people at peace? Are they in a continual conversation with the divine? Are they successful in the same field that you are in? Are they motivational speakers who make their living that way?
Most likely they are well meaning friends, who are muddling through life and doing their best to "protect you" from disappointment. Armed with this knowledge and these questions... now what does their advice mean?
. However, maybe trying to playcate me
> others are
> telling me that I should be teaching others how to
> create love for
> themselves.
Manea: My poor Joe... must you see them as placating you? Watch your projections.
Guys, I am at the point of no return,
> trying and doing
> my best to find ways of fund rasing for this cause.
Manea: The answers are in the words you choose. You begin by seeing yourself coming from a place of lack, and the universe loves you SO much it gives you what you believe. Because you believe you are lacking the universe gladly gives you in spades, the state of lacking...
> Before I go any
> further I need your honest feedback.
Manea: You wouldn't get anything else from me.
> If I did nothing, let go of this goal entirely, I
> would feel somewhat
> unfulfilled.
Manea: 1. You couldn't do nothing. Existing is something. 2. You contradict yourself when you say that you would let go of this entirely, because if you had, there would be no feelings of unfulfillment. 3. The statement is negated by itself.
On the other hand though, it would be
> a releaf not to
> be struggling through this profound darkness.
Manea: Now that is the most enlightened thing you have said... and I would like to point out that you used the words "profound darkness." What would happen if you didn't struggle? what would happen if you let go of your agenda and trusted the universe?
> would love the
> attention fame success would create, even the extra
> money would be
> great,
Manea: Now you are being more honest with yourself about what's really going on.
although God is providing, and I've got a bit
> of a pillow
> helping me to stay above costs.
Manea: Excellent. To move past that place, conviction and connecting to the divine within, will move mountains. You have faith and cast doubt with every word from friends and loved ones... come from the deep peaceful and connected place within. Let the inner light shine, and all else will follow.
To be honest guys,
> I did have and
> still do have very powerful 'moments' of enormous
> feelings of love
> for all humanity, and want to share those moments
> with Everyone.
Manea: I know those moments. I feel them often, and then return to the world of humanity. The trick is to find the beauty in the ordinary.
> life isn't perfect though, I still want to escape
> from my current
> living conditions, married life really, and yet I
> stick it out...have
> fears of striking out on my own.
Manea: It's called being human. This life is a blessing, not a curse. How can people know the love that you speak of when you dispise your life? Only gratitude in action can demonstrate that it's possible to maintain love. You view your love for humanity and the rest of reality as separate, and that isn't true. The reason you seek humanity is for the public love they can return. It's a gaping hole that reflects your own heart. All of life is whole, and so are you. You cannot fill that hole with anything outside of yourself. (money, recognition, acknowledgement, fame from your technique, etc.)
> "Oh God how I could change this condition, and fair
> to say, world
> condition, if only I were successful with this Love
> Enhancement
Manea: Again your answers come from the place that you ask the questions from. As within, so without. One IS successful from the inside first, before it manifests externally. Since you are dependant on the external for internal validation, you cannot get the money,success, or anything else because it doesn't exist on the inside of you.
> venture!" I would love to be traveling the country,
> and world... I
> would enjoy living on my own since my wife is
> unwilling to aid me in
> any way.
Manea: Quit blaming her for your own inadaquacies. This is not the language nor action that love manifested on earth would do say or act. Love would look upon your wife and find her foibles endearing, and all the more reason to love her. In the light of the fame you want, desire, and seek, they would look upon that relationship and call you a fraud. How can you promote love when you live your daily life in a state of resentment?
Although she most likely would want to
> join me if I was
> able to get through this until now closed door.
Manea: True, because if you make it to holding the frequency of love, you would love her as much as you love all of humanity.
> Please guys is there
> an answer for me?
Manea: There are always answers. It's not to whom is God speaking, but who is listening. There are many voices, and they are not motivated by love, but by doubt, fears, and unquestioned beliefs that many (not just yourself) are unaware are even there.
Which way is God's way?
Manea: God's way is love, trust, peace, acceptance, ... Tao. It is not our unreasonable ideas and concepts about these words either. Question your negative feelings and beliefs that cause you unease, because ultimatley these are NOT from the source of love. You would do better to invite people to join you on your journey of self discovery. Not to be a guru who has the answers, but as a fellow seeker. The truth is in the present, in the now, and nowhere else. So if in the now you are a man who is unhappy with his life, wife, circumstances, and the world as it currently is, but seeks love, sharing it with others, and making peace with himself and the world around him... then "sell the world" on that truth, invite them to join you on the journey, the adventure... not as one who has the answers, but has questions and desire. It is more honest both with yourself, and the public you wish to engage.