Okay, so now that it's the end of August (where the hell did the summer go?) and I forgot to celebrate the 1 year birhtday of my LJ (don't laugh, it's a serious anniversary), here's to promoting my inner narcissism and creating a well-bloated pet ego.
Since I'm out of Washington and realize that I do love that damn rainy depressing fog-hole, here's to the end of all my memories there.
Also, it's the end of me attending Skyline. Good riddance to waking up at ungodly hours. Here's to people like Minako (and Corry), who made waking up at 5:30 am to ride a city bus to a school I resented fun, and everyone else who hauled my ass through the year.
Here's to Bree, for sticking by me through 7th grade (possibly the best and worst year of my life), even when my self-hatred was contaminating everything around me. I don't think I'll ever forget going through all the junk in the spare orchestra room with her as long as I live, because that was the period in my life where I hated almost everyone and wished people would leave me alone so I could destroy myself in peace. Helping me survive 3 years of Pine Lake MS makes up 1000x for getting us in-house suspension in 6th grade, and in trouble on every Orchestra field trip. But mostly here's to Bree for introducing me to Starbucks... and the wonders of addicting $5 coffee.
Here's to Ben, who I think cared about me the most during 8th grade, even though I fucked him over 3 months into High School.
Here's to the internet, which nurtured me during many metal breakdowns by allowing me to spend 3 years growing my soul inside of a digital world (mostly by watching Angel's site evolve), and letting me meet pixelated personalities as screwed up as I am.
Here's to somewhat freeing myself, from all the unconcious obsessions I've developed to please the false idols I put on a high pedestal, people who never deserved to be up there in the first place. Here's to myself for being able to read some of the entries today from the past year, and not cringing with total disgust or embarassment. Here's to the improvement from the beginning of this journal (which still contained traces), up to now (where I'm finally as close to normal as I'll ever be).
Here's to everyone who's ever commented in any online journal I've kept (which for the most part means Jess, who's read this a lot and gave me the magical code for LJ in the first place). Knowing that there's someone out there who cares is the main reason for bearing my thoughts about my life to others. Even though I haven't met most of you, and probably never will, some of you became more real to me then people I know. (Especially if you write entries that keep me amused at hours like this.)
Here's to the future, which went from being a promise to a threat, and is now down somewhere in the yellow level based on Bush's threat-o-meter to national security. (Also known as the sophisticated system with 2 more colors then a stoplight.)
Most of all, here's to Livejournal, because Xanga isn't hardcore enough for a true internet freak like me.
Here's to 3:30 am entries fueled by coffee and identifiable by run on sentences and possibly some made up words. -toasts with 3 am coffee mug-
(Kitty: -jumps on to desk and licks empty coffee mug-
Yay for pets with mutual drug addictions.)