May 19, 2007 22:52

This post lists the rules of the challenge, as well as attempts to explain its workings! If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ. If you still have questions, please ask!



- Icons may be submitted once the round opens. The deadline for submissions is always the following Friday, at 10:00 PM, GMT -3:00 (BRAZIL time). Without daylight savings, this is equivalent to 5:00 PM PST.

- ALL icons must be submitted anonymously. This means you cannot publicly display an icon until the voting for that round is closed, nor can you reveal which participant made an icon (i.e. if Yuuko is your avatar, you can't say which icon was made by Yuuko). If we find out that you have showcased/advertised an icon as your own publicly before the voting closes*, you will automatically get disqualified from the competition!

- Icons must conform to LiveJournal's specifications - this means they must be under 40 kb and 100x100 pixels in size, and either .png, .jpg or .gif format.

- Icons may only use official manga artwork. Doujinshi and fanart are not allowed. Anime, game, and any images not manga are not allowed.

- Icons must be made by the submitter. The submitter may use resources made by other people (with credit where required), but the icon itself must be 100% original. Icons following tutorials too closely or "cloned" from other icons will not be accepted.

- The icon must be specifically made for this challenge. Old icons that have been publicly displayed before are not valid submissions.

- The icons must be uploaded to your own webspace, or a free image hosting website such as Photobucket.

- Icons submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

- Participants who fail to submit an icon will use up their skip - they will not win or lose any points for that round, and will be immune until the next round. Participants who don't submit and have already used their skip will be eliminated.

* It's strongly advised that you don't display your icons and/or banners publicly until your identity is revealed. We can't really disqualify you for it, but we would be grateful if you didn't do that. ♥


Icons must be submitted to the challenge post for the active round. Challenge posts will always be titled "Round ## Challenge: [Challenge Name]", in which ## is the round number.

The submission format is as follows:

Avatar: [name of the character you're "playing"]
Character(s): Kobato
Series/Mangaka: Kobato. by CLAMP
Other: Custom color scheme. Base by colorfilter. [credits, where applicable; any other notes you may have]

Note that you may be asked to provide with the original image, as well as any additional explanations, if the moderators aren't sure it's an official image. Please don't be offended if that happens!



- Voting starts once the voting post goes up. The deadline for voting is always the following Sunday, at 9:00 PM GMT -3:00 (BRAZIL time). Without daylight savings, this is equivalent to 4:00 PM PST.

- Do not vote for yourself, neither as a favorite nor as an elimination.

- Do not create duplicate accounts to vote for yourself.

- You do not need to be a participating member to vote. Anyone can vote!

- You must give a reason for your eliminations. The mods reserve the right to nullify any petty votes (i.e. "I don't like the character" or "I don't like the colors"). Giving a reason for your favorite votes is nice, but not necessary.

- Vote fairly, and based on the aesthetic quality rather than your personal preferences. Disliking the character/series/artwork is not a valid reason to give an elimination vote - you're voting for an icon, not for the image chosen.

- Votes cast after the deadline will not be counted.


Votes must be submitted to the voting post for the active round. Voting posts will always be titled "Round ## Voting: [Challenge Name]", in which ## is the round number.

The voting format is as follows:


#100 - The colors are overly contrasted and clash greatly. The image is also a bit oversharpened, and the textures are distracting.
#101 - The text is poorly done, and could use a less fancy font. The bright spot on the left is very distracting, and takes away the focus from the image.


#102 - I really love the composition in the icon, and how everything fits nicely together! The colors are gorgeous, as well.

You may be as detailed as you like in your critiques, but try not to be impolite or petty. Give valid reasons for your votes!


This icontest takes place through 'battles'. A battle (or round) is the specific set of submission guidelines for a week - these guidelines change every week, and all participating members are required to submit one icon for every round until they are eliminated (or win!). The exception is in the case of a skip - participants are allowed to skip one round. If they don't submit an icon and have already skipped a round, they get automatically disqualified.

For instance, a battle could consist of the participants having to work with images given to them. The next battle could have given bases. Another could be themed "flowers", and every icon would be required to be related to that theme.

On top of different guidelines, each battle also has a different way of earning points. The points are what keeps a participant in the competition - those with the lowest amount of points will get eliminated every week after the preliminary round.

Every participant starts with one point. Each battle will present a different way to earn or lose points, so read the challenge posts carefully every time!

For instance, in one battle, participants could be put into groups, and the top icons for that group would earn the iconmaker points, while the icons with the most elimination votes would lose points. In another, there could be themes of varying difficulty - the hardest themes would give more points to the top icons, but the lowest ranking ones would also lose more points, while the easiest ones would give less points, but also take away less points.

Additional "bonus" challenges may be presented every round - although completely optional, they may give extra ways of earning points. Keep an eye out for those!

Battles will continue to take place until there is just one iconmaker left in the competition!


Results will be tallied and put up once voting closes.

To keep the iconmakers from being easily identifiable, individual icon placement and critiques will not be made public. Only the iconmaker will know their placement and crits. Instead, the results will show individual contestants' tallies for that round: i.e., if Yuuko's icon wins the most points, Yuuko will be shown as winning points, not the icon itself.

People's Choice and Mod's Choice icons, as well as any other additional categories, will be displayed publicly (banners will be privately handed out to the iconmakers, their identity will not be revealed). Whether they do or do not rack up points, however, is entirely dependant on the round's rules!


Senior League Prizes

You can choose between the following prizes if you happen to win or place in the competition. ...Actually so far there's just one prize option since there's just one mod, but more may be added if more people are willing to contribute? ^^;

(for examples of what prizes can look like, see Challenge 01's prize post.)

1st Place -
neonclover's prize: One full body, colored drawing of a character of your choice (original or existing). No background. This is actually quite an expensive prize, as I can charge anywhere between $50 - $100 for a commission of this type. ^^; For sample artwork, please see my deviantART, or join papercafe.

2nd Place -
neonclover's prize: One shoulder up, colored drawing of a character of your choice OR one full body inked drawing of a character of your choice. No background on both choices. This is worth around $20-$30. For sample artwork, please see my deviantART, or join papercafe.

3rd Place -
neonclover's prize: One full body sketch of a character of your choice. No background. This is worth around $10-$20. For sample artwork, please see my deviantART, or join papercafe.

4th and 5th Places -
neonclover's prize: One shoulder-up sketch of a character of your choice. No background! Sketchy colors are optional. :3

Every week, People's Choice and Mod's Choice banners will be awarded to icons that get the most points for that round (PC) and icons that stand out in the mods' opinions (MC).

Junior League Prizes

Junior league participants do not get any banners for PC or MC, nor do they get shiny artwork for prizes. Instead, every participant gets a banner stating that they've participated. Since this league is new, I may throw in some extra graphics at the end of the competition, but nothing is certain yet. If you'd like to compete for the prizes, please join Senior League instead.


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