Title: Baby Ohno (Chapter 15)
Pairings/Characters: Aiba/Sho, Ohno/Nino
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Beware of a cute baby Ohno in this story (although Ohno is always cute, baby or not ;)
Notes: I'm sick right now. So I'm sorry for the errors in this chapter- I don't have the strength to edit it. For people who don't know,
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Comments 34
you made my day i have to say that enjoyed it and it's graet
as for trip i really don't know which one because you are great in writing anywhere so i'm soory
but please get well soon then you can write
once again be okay and thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still thinking of the trip, but I promise to make it fun!
Uggghhhhh.....I hate being sick! And it's ironic that it's at the same time as Ohno (I probably got it from him XD)
Thank you for reading~
I think camping and shopping trip for camping items sounds good. Oh, please add fishing toy too if you do camping.
Anyway, poor baby is sick, i hope aiba mama dun fall sick too....
Aiba will be fine- it's harder for an adult to get a sickness from a baby than a baby from an adult.
Thank you for reading~
Aiba would indeed make a wonderful Mama if he and Sho had their own baby to care for. He really stepped up when he was needed. Little Satoshi seems to be able to bring the best out in people.
I agree that a camping trip sounds like fun.
Aiba is a great mama and Ohno is a good influence on them ^_^
Camping is a popular choice.
Thank you for reading~
My morning feel better now. Thank you for warmness through this fic <3
I love Masaki Mama now. He really different when he serious. And he didn't panic at all! I believe Satoshi feel comfortable into his hand. *I wonder if he call Nino that night, Nino maybe would kill him.*
Argh! The most panic and scary thing is when that nurse didn't hit the vein! Oh God, I remember one of my friend have this scary experience. Almost 7 times that nurse trying to find the vein but failed. And that's must be hurt for Satoshi too.
*oh, for Arashi trip... I think going fishing sounds good. It's like Satoshi love fish and he want to assure them that he will be fine this time to be near with sea and water again. Oh oh... maybe you can make him fall from the boat (Oh no! What am I thinking?). By the way, which trip it is will be okay for me since this is your story right?*
Looking forward for the next chapter! ^ - ^
Aiba is amazing- I can just imagine what would happen if it was Nino XD
You'll find out later on what I choose to do~
Urghhhh..I understand how your friend feels- the last time I was hospitalized, my arm with the IV became so swollen that they had to take it out and put I t on my other arm. After three different nurses tried to insert it and even then they couldn't get my vein (I know that my veins are pretty small). One of the male nurses told me I was a different type of patient since I didn't yell or say 'ouch' or anything (honestly, I was so sick and tired at that time...I was pretty much half unconscious). After the 11th time (yes, I counted), I told them to stop trying- I rather die of dehydration than have them poke me again. If they did try again, I threatened to grabbed the needle and shove it in their faces XD
Thank you for reading~
Eh!!! I have been betting and hoping that all the baby stuff they used on Ohno would be used for Sakuraiba's future adopted baby for awhile now since it was brought up somewhere on where the baby stuff will go when Ohno is back to being his age (obvious Sakuraiba fan here = me ^ /// ^)
As for suggestions: I know this might not be a great option (due to their high profile) but maybe a indoor swimming pool family date? Or they do a "family" photo op for fun with a photographer they trust or is one of their personal friends? Either way I am sure the family trip on whatever it is will be great!
Look forward to the next chapter! And hope you feel better!
I wanted to show people that Aiba can be responsible too- although he'll be his normal self in the next chapter ;D
Hehehe...I promise none of the baby stuff will go to waste. This chapter ended up being more Sakuraiba than Ohba (but next chapter will definitely have more cute Ohba moments)
Hmmmm....the family photo thing sounds interesting.......
Thank you for reading~
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