Title: Baby Ohno (Chapter 20)
Pairings/Characters: Aiba/Sho, Ohno/Nino
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Beware of a cute baby Ohno in this story (although Ohno is always cute, baby or not ;)
Notes: Yup. I pretty much update when I update ◟(◔ั₀◔ั )◞ ༘♡ I really don't have a particular schedule for updating- I think if I
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Comments 18
finally the camping will come yayyyyyyy i'm very exited
wow so fast update that's great i love this one
i hope the drink will not going to harm anyone
thannks for updating so fast
hope you'll update soon again
As for the drink...hehehehe...
Thank you for reading~
Thank you.
Thank you for reading~
I accidentally wrote Nino as Eren. Hahaha..
I'm involved in two fandom as in LevixEren of Shingeki no Kyojin. And Ohmiya of Arashi. So hahaha..
Anyway I'll wait for next! And you're welcome! :)
Hopefully Aiba doesn't attempt to use his blue drink soon.
I feel like Nino's gonna be injured or sick or something during the camping trip...
Next is camping!!! XD ahhh...hopefully it ends up well...
Thank you for reading~
And now we have the camping trip to look forward to as well.
My mind is boggling at the thought of who is going to end up accidently drinking that potion and possibly end up producing lots of little Arashi babies.
Can't wait for the next part.
Ahhh camping....it'll be interesting since I'm definitely not the camping type of person XD
Thank you for reading~
cant contain my laught at that part.
Yay for camping.
And got feeling the drink will work.
It will ne? or not.
I only want nino to get preg xD
Thank You :)
I'm so excited for camping...I've never been camping so I'll live out the fantasy here XD
Thank you for reading~
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